"Fear can't inter-fear with creativity. By letting go of how things should be you allow people, places or messages to come through you. Trust the process and yourself. " May El Hossamy
~~~ embed:Bby3r9EAZe4/![Captura de pantalla 2017-11-22 a la(s) 15.35.25.png] instagram metadata:QmJ5M3I5RUFaZTQvIVtDYXB0dXJhIGRlIHBhbnRhbGxhIDIwMTctMTEtMjIgYSBsYShzKSAxNS4zNS4yNS5wbmdd ~~~
short time-lapse of the process
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-dO3V2gpbFb_3QQ1GpCpf7tdg7SJ9WYh/view?usp=drivesdk![Captura de pantalla 2017-11-22 a la(s) 15.35.25.png]
Music by Kareem Lotfy