KLYE's NSFW Degenerate Drawing Contest - Volume #2

in #art7 years ago (edited)

DISCLAIMER: If you're easily offended by art depicting genitalia and/or titties you should probably just save us both the hassle and hit the back button in your browser. This is a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) post and should be viewed only by those who don't get butthurt by funny, vulgar or whattever art. Excuse the perverse degenerate nature of the human species..

Given the success of the first one.. I bring you volume #2

Ready to show off your artistic potential and (maybe) make mad $$$...?

Have artistic flair that arouses men & confuses women into kissing?

Welcome to the 2nd Degenerate Drawing Contest!

Tis your chance to potentially win some STEEM!
Bare your titties with your deviant drawings!

Theme of the 1st drawing contest was dicks...
Meaning it's only fair to have this one about:

Nature's way of distracting us from the higher purpose in our lives.

Breasts, funbags, boobies, honkers, tatas, bazongos, jubblies, hooters, jugs, mammaries or really whatever the hell else you wanna call them.. They are lovely, soft and damn near one of the best things on this planet!

Fun fact:
Humans are the only mammals to have permanently swollen mammary glands.. Aren't we a lucky species? Bet your big ole' titties we are!

How do you make 5 pounds of fat look good? Put a nipple on it!

This is an opportunity to share your artistic flair off folks! Your artistic entry into this contest may be accompanied with your blog link, being broadcast to nearly 3000 readers! That's not all, remember while you exact your doodling you could also win SUPER AWESOME STEEM prizes!


  • Must be your own art work
  • Has to contain at least one drawn breast
  • Only 1 entry per a user


1st Prize = 69 STEEM (Chosen by popular vote below, number of votes)

3rd Prize = 18 STEEM (Chosen by popular vote below, number of votes)
4th Prize = 1 STEEM (Given to the worst art) 2nd Prize = 42 STEEM (Hand picked by @KLYE himself )

Winners will be announced in a post shortly after this one expires in a week. You have the next week to draw your best breasts and comment it here below!

Good luck to all the artists out there!

May The Best Breasts Win!


for Witness!
There are 2 pages

This is my entry


Yes boss go get it 👉👉👉

What a tittious picture... I'm crying already.😥😭

Dont cry baby

LOL, Glory Pele

How did you even come up with this?😂😂😂

Hahaha, thia got me rotfl.

Lord GOD! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Hahahaha... @ewuoso, u know see other own 😂 😂 😂 😂.. Wetin be dis? Na pig breast Abi? Hahahaha.. See d way u don kill me with laugh this morning..

Na Lizard breast

Hahahaha 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Coman man, can't you make it better is this all you've been seeing? Lol

I like it

Hahaha I always knew this my oga @samstickkz was up to something with all those display pictures...hahaha

Lol na u know oh

I have not been seeing at all. Thats y

Lol, now I understand

This is really awesome guy

i just dey laugh my oga @Ewuso. I don upvote sha. We mist win am. Infact your drawing is the best.

This is boobicious... Hahaha

Yeah very

Is that milk coming out from the nipples??

e b like say dis boss @ewuoso boobs dey leak....

Too much milk

Yeh mogbe ooo.
This one na otondo

I tell u

Bro...... Wahalai!!! You gat me speechless..... But this I love

Thanks bro

Lol... What a diagram! This is a nice entry

What is diagram

Patiently waiting for a dick drawing contest

Babe u are always raw. But sorry that contest was weeks ago. U cannot have the chance to draw a dick

I no know say you sabi draw o.

Bro @ewuoso. This your art work funny die. You even drop your pen beside to proof your talent. Am patiently waiting for what the next one will be.

This man sha, always unique

Something like this will fall on you this days.
Watch out ===>>>@ewuoso and his hits sha

Badass drawing

LOL. Whut. Magnificent art!

I think you may be the winner.. Just checking entries now.

wow. thanks i will be glad.

i have the highest no of votes

Will be announcing shortly and sending the prizes. Well done!

thank yhu very much

I made this one just for you @klye

Wonderful form, nice little pink nipples. Well played!

It's not often that you get a chance to see purple ones. Haha, I like the color choices.

lol I guess we have different monitor settings. It's kind of a dark pink on my screen.

I'm on a cell phone, so I blame that haha.

Here's my entry, with as few lines as I could

This is incredibly beautiful! Some awesome art and a wonderful representation of the female form.

Thank you, to my own eye I always see something slightly out of proportion or straight out wacky in my work, maybe that's the reason I never got to the coloring stage.

Did somebody say tits? Here's a drawing I made a while back. Boobies!

I love her body but the face reminds me of a mean lady. Beautiful art.

Excellent use of shading and white space on this beauty! Very realistic view on the subject as well. Truly great art.

Here's my entry

this is really beautiful @yoogyart

Thanks a lot :-)

The use of the contrast and dark as well as brilliant colours really pops here. Extremely trippy with the choice of patterns on that witch doctor.. Outstanding.

Thank you @klye :-)

for the penis drawing contest i draw a penis by a ball point pen. this time i made a digital image of a female breast digitally and as a bonus i created a simple animated gif of it also. i cant concentrate for perfection as i have dengue fever... hope u like it... thanx

still image


Damn! This is some really fancy art and animation you have done here! Very impressive! :D

That "magic" amount of votes @rituparnaghosh got there! .. I love Steemit transparency, so you can see what exactly is happening here! haha! 😄



thanx :)

nice :) animation +1

Good whistle blow my man.

Amazing piece of work :) they are moving indeed.

Peter Perker.jpg

Spider KLYE, Spider KLYE, Swinging from titties in the sky!

Love the rawness and line paper usage here. On the fly art! I'd say well played!

Thanks Spider Klye! Things have been really strange since all those giant naked women showed up. They even changed the anthem......
"From sea to shining teeeeeeet"

Ha ha! This is awesome @avesa!

Thanks brotha!

This is hilarious, I'm in! I have so many boob drawings, but I could decide which to pick, so I drew one just for the contest. So this is it:


That woman could certainly use a cheeseburger but your choice of colour and the complementary line work makes it look surreal and angelic. Good art!

thank you! i'll definitely get her a cheeseburger after the contest... hope she survives :D

you win :)

LOL you got me all excites, sir! I was like "WhaaAat?! "

there are some great submissions here, so i'm not raising my hopes yet, but thank you!!! <3

haha, I just really liked yours :)

so i dont know why this was the first thing that popped in my head... but this is what was visually depicted first.

enjoy steemians. stoked to see such masterpieces on here you talented scoundrels.

Is that womane crushing the monkey between her tits? Where can I sign up? lmao!

Wonderfully imaginative art entry. Thanks for this!


Tits with tat. Must have a dolphin tattoo on the boobs!

I'm a fan of the "point of view" this art was taken from in the artists mind! Thank you for this wonderful entry!

Thanks, you are right. As a matter of fact I'm the modell :P so it's sort of looking down view 😁

Lol fun contest, here's my entry!
For the un-cropped version see my post 👇
Thanks, @KLYE https://steemit.com/nsfw/@emptyintentions/nsfw-art-entry-for-klye-s-contest

Wowzers, the use of colour and the female form here is downright outstanding. Great work!

Thank you very much. She has a bit of a derp face though in my opinion. Haha glad I ended up entering her.

In the Spirit of this contest I present you with:


Bahahahah. Woot!

Unfortunately this isn't drawn so isn't an eligible entry. Good show regardless steemitkwa

LOL! :) I know, I know I just wanted to put my 2 cents in you wouldn't want to see me draw :P

Damn girl. Thats alot more than 2 cents. You have a pair of bitcoins. Bravo. You have my vote


... Wait a minute there is already a shitcoin by that name... XD

*slow clap intensifies *

hi, @klye !! This is not my tit. :-)

Look at the post


Love the integration of the STEEM logo and the rawness of this artistic entry. Thank you for this wonderful submission!

Thank you for your coment!!!
I m very happy!!

This is my entry, I actually drew this myself.. I mean, I stood in front of my mirror and drew my boobs, just for you Kyle.. Isn't it awesome 😉😂

Oooh! Aren't I extremely lucky of a man to receive such wonderful art fashioned over your own bosoms..!

Wonderful and exquisite!

Thanks 😘

Are you serious right now!!???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Hahahahahah.. Very serious. 😉

Tit on fleek...hahaha

Lmfao...! The titty trees.. Very original!

Hahahaha this is funny

My Wife Is the Artist of This

hand drawing. I hope some of you like it as much as I do. :D
Go Be Awesome! :D

Your wife is a hell of an artist my friend. I really dig this..! The shading and the whole perspective and use of depth is fucking amazing... Ask your wife if I can use this in the future for posts please? I'll pay her a royalty. :)

Rock On!

You have her full permission, royalties are gladly accepted. ;) Your comments put a smile on her face. Thank you. :)

The Scream, Part 2

Bahahahah. I was like "This looks oddly familiar.." then noticed the addition to the left.. The adaptation of your original work to meet the criterion of this contest made me smile.

My first attempt at using water paint and drawing.
I drew a representation on a black African woman(maybe me)
Not everyone has a flatter tummy and hour glass figure(atleast i dont have.. Hence the potbelly)

I would still be glad if it wins worse ... No one is prouder than me now for having drawn this... Lol


Love this! It reminds me very much of the fertility statues that I've read about dug up from ancient times.

All people are unique and while in western culture the skinny is the idea of beauty that doesn't mean the other styles and shapes of a person are not attractive. Thank you for your entry to this contest. :)

You are awesome... I hope to enter into the next contest and come out successful

I am afraid this is neither the best nor the worst ._.


Good anatomy! I like her messy hair.

This is some great art done with pencil. A wonderful representation of the female form and the breasts they wear. Thanks for drawing for this!


This is my entry for the 'titty- contest'
I've selected a drawing from my serie;
'PARTOUZE- The poetry of pornography.'

21,9x 29,7cm
Walnut ink on paper

Warm regards,

Screen Shot 2017-10-24 at 09.54.25.png

Awesome! This is a great, almost surreal look at breasts from the viewers perspective. Really dig your art style and the shading is top notch!

Thank you @klye... In case you would like to see more drawings from the same serie you can always check an earlier post: https://steemit.com/art/@romaan-namoor/partouze-the-poetry-of-pornography-150-drawings-and-counting. Or the overview of drawings on my website: https://romaannamoor.weebly.com/partouze-18.html

Cheers and warm regards!

Very realistic. Nice work.

Thank you for your reaction, really appreciate it!

here is my entry...Good Day @klye i finished my art...

The GEM in the sand

gem in the sand.jpg
Vector art from adobe Photoshop

Sand people titties?! Excellent! At first I saw eyeballs out of the sand.. lmao!
Great entry, Certainly an odd but effective approach! :D

hehe thanks! and thank you for hosting again this kind of contest! i enjoyed the last contest the lips dick! you are the ROCK!!!

This is my entry for the contest
I've selected a drawing from my nsfw serie' Digital drawings of nude models '


Original work made by meself with a wacom tablet and photoshop

Very impressed with this entry. You've done a wonderful job with the shading and contrast on this. <3

@klye thx for the nice comment, greetings

Tits and tits

Great action scene with the character in question running with their tits out. :D

With this Lil unedited sketch I just realized I can draw.


You can draw anything man! Good learning to draw. Keep at it. I like your art!



here's my entry

Your use of curve here is undeniably great. Awesome art my friend and I hope to see more!

Can I participate too? taking a break from python for this

Blender ftw :)

3D titties?! Oh hell yeah! This is neat man. Very different take on this contest. :D


Who doesn't love a lopsided tranny?

Oh sweet mother of.. .Bahahahahahahah.

I'm dying of laughter over here, that is some fine lop-sided ladyboy klye art there man.. absolutely fuckin' hilarious!

Hahahaha are you serious? A boo* and dic*?

I put in an extra 😣
Hope it doesn't look like a weird tree..😳

Very reminiscent of the 3 breasted chick from the movie total recall..!
Minimal, effective... And 3 titties? I like it!

It's weird, but creative. I like it

My favourite contest!!! Wayhay!!


Bahahaha. Choice titties there captain. I'd scrolled down to see entries and was like "WTF" then saw who posted it... XD

I think most would call me a dickhead, but tit-head or tit-hat works too. This is great man.

Hehe cheers man. It makes a nice change from dickhead lol. I called a guy in my work a your head once when he shaved his head. I called him it repeatedly took I thought he was going to fight me.

It's the simple pleasures ;0D

alright time to work again!

this will be an interesting contest knowing our obsession with boobs and our madness about them( talking like a man who get lost when he see them) may the best artist or pervert (depends where you come from) wins

May the best pervert artist win..! XD

Good choice of words, I think this should be fun too!

Can't wait to see what will create for this one.

Tis why I host these things.. It's going to be a bunch of tits and laughs I reckon!



Here's my entry, I drew the female body of Me!!
Took me 1munites to draw.


Lol, this made me laugh out loud 😂😂

Very sexy, the art is great too. XD

You have a good sense of humour and make me laugh with your entry. Very fun and well done. <3


Bahahaha. Not sure if tits or eyes but the silhouette and psychedelic colours in the back are awesome.
Thanks for this unique entry..!

This is my entry done from Adobe Photoshop Illustrator

"titception" Titty drawings withing drawing within drawing. Love the idea and execution of this art piece. Great entry!

Thank you i'm glad that you like it i draw it for 2 days!

This is cool

thanks sir!!!

Can we draw it with a pencil and draw it on a sheet of paper

Of course you can use a pencil! <3

Count me in

Wonderful! I await your entry.

I may be too late for this contest as i was for the 1st round so I combined both rounds in one for our witness Klye. This is just another piece of fan art if nothing else! Glad to hear from you and hope to see you back soon brother.

Lmao! While technically a late entry I've gotten a good laugh from the combination of themes as well as the perceived "titty f*ck" thing going on between them. Well done!

I figured you'd get a laugh out of that. Need you back in chat too, that's fun.

Sorry, Repeated post.

Nice tits lol

I can not join this event, there is a regulation from our government about this...ha..ha.. anyway nice klye :)

Oooh @mrlightning can you draw my tits? :P

Congrats you see them. :) nice post.. you living your life to the fullest. i want to see more of your post. done following

Fantastic post!

Congrats you see them. :) nice post.. you living your life to the fullest. i want to see more of your post. done following

@klye,,,,can you do a drawing on a piece of paper and snape it and use as your entry?

There are 2 pages