Very beautiful pieces of art. Drawing was a talent i wish i would have developed more when i was younger but i abandoned it when i was small and insecure due to others teasing me on what i was drawing (this was back in late 80's and i would doodle video game characters as a middle schooler, but this was before video games were cool and the kids mocked me). The things i wish i knew then that i do now :o\ Either way, keep putting out your work, it's great!
It's never too late to pick it back up again! Draw whatever the hell you wanna draw! :) I find if you take the time to draw at least one thing per day, doesn't have to be anything crazy even just a little doodle will do, you'll find yourself getting better and better. I'm glad you like my drawings! Thank you for the compliment. :)
I should, i would find myself doodling during sales/manager meetings at my last 9 to 5 job, but mostly geometric designs. I enjoy art, especially fantasy art and in fact i have posted a few of my favorite pieces from Magic the Gathering. Either way, thanks for the advice, definitely something i plan to try to do when i need to break negative energy coming at me next time.