Burst of life.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

image The depths of my disparity. I woo over my calamity. You refuge. Yet, I refuse. Together, we stand. My buried feet offer you a trunk of humanity. Art and poem by kspeaks.


Very energetic work! I like it :)

Thank you. I was nervous to post any of my art because I don't feel it's on the level of the other artists that steem it host. I am so glad someone liked it! Made my morning, you did.

Aww never be shy, we all have to start somewhere right :) Better late than never and just don't stop creating and you'll get where you want to. The only limitation we have creatively is the limitation we set ourselves ;)

Yes we do all have to start somewhere. I read some of your blog. I am interested in the pens you talk of, can they be purchased online? I drew the above picture using a bic pen that had multi clicking inks that I had previous used for color coding my patient charts! And it's on basic computer paper!! I never really had time for art or writing before so the supplies seem impossible to maneuver in quality versus price. As I have bought a few expensive items that don't compare to some of the lesser priced items. It's like a hit and miss. If you could recommend a good brand name that can be purchased online I would be more than thankful. I have been so in awe of the way some people are able to transform their paper and inks using simple methods. It's foreign to me.

I feel the pain as it took me a very long time to find the right fit. I highly recommend any Rotring pens as their craftsmanship is fantastic! However the Rapidograph line that I tend to use most is outrageously expensive... They have really good alternatives of different price ranges though. You can buy them directly from the Rotring website or amazon should have stock too :) The generic ink is black but Rotring has blue, green and red as well, although I haven't been able to find any other than the black... Thank you so much for taking the time to take a look at my blog :)

Thank you for the reply. I will look on amazon and sneak it into my husbands cart so he can buy the pen for me! Or i'll ask for one for the upcoming valentines holiday as a gift. Seems less shady! Pen pun intended!

@maximdraws amazon does have them and they even have one that clicks different colors! Not as expensive as I was thinking it would be. Worth it if it is an ink that doesn't smudge and is smooth in texture. Yay!

Why have you given @Asshole money? What is this for?

Because when someone comes at you in anger or hatred your suppose to turn the other cheek and show them kindness. He downvoted all of my commenters so of course I went back and upvoted them but then had to show him kindness because that's what my God teaches. If someone is mean to just smile and wish them a good day.

why did u sent @asshole money?

Because my God say to turn the other cheek if someone is mean to you. To show them kindness in return. The memo on the money said have a beautiful day. It was just me following my Gods advice on what to do when someone is mean just to be mean. I can't control asshole but I can show him kindness like Jesus says too.

haha good luck, I hope you get the gift you're looking for :) I'm going to have to check out the one that clicks into different colours! Seems like a great pen to own. The ink does smudge but it dries very fast, especially with the smaller nibs. I love using my 0.1mm nib for detail and have never smudged any ink using it. The 0.5mm on the other hand releases more ink with every drag so you have to be a bit careful but you'll get the hang of it quickly I'm sure :)

Thank you so much I don't do really detailed work. More sloppy in my application of lines. Your are so precise and fine. True talent.

Your work doesn't have to be detailed, we all have our own ways to express ourselves... ;) I absolutely love working with a pallet knife and acrylic just experimenting with the colours mixing together to create an abstraction of some sorts. In my opinion talent is acquired so essentially we're all talented. Some of us just tap into it later or completely at random :)

My came from the psych ward! Literally, there isn't much they let you do there but they had a box of crayons and coloring sheets. I don't watch tv and couldn't really talk in coherent sentences at that point so I just colored most of the days.

Ohh I'm sorry to hear that and hope all is looking better for you now :) I've always felt that drawing, whatever it may be, bring serenity and joy to my life. Regardless of if my mood is ridiculous at the time. I always manage to ground myself with art and its one of the things that I love the most about creativity in general.

I can tell you have done art for a long period of time. I am doing better. The illness is lifelong being indifferianted schizophrenia but I am learning to manage it and accept my life will be different than originally planned. Art does soothe my brain in a way and then I also like to draw some of the things I see and hear to share them with others because some of it is beautiful, interesting, or so different from what I normally see the world as that I am like wow. Maybe we should look into that or just offer a glimpse of what goes on through a psychotic mind that isn't violent. I am not a violent mentally ill person so there's not much research or data into the nonviolent psychotic illness. I would like there to be more awareness of the illness too. People hear the word schizophrenic and instantly fear or panic on some level. But I find it's more like dementia on most days. My husband and children have been my rocks through the illness and I have a pretty fulfillling life. Lots of children to love, middle class in America, s nice home, good transportation, medical care if needed, I have lots to be thankful for and to cherish. I noticed you draw seashells a lot in your patterns... do they represent something like the triangles did?

@kristy1 I find it extremely powerful (in a good way) that the universe has its way of throwing us into situations whether uncomfortable or not. I'm currently still trying to change the way I feel about things happening to me or anyone else. This goes back to an accident I was involved in last year, that I may talk about at some point but don't feel ready yet. Do say the least it really changed my perspective and as you have wonderful children and a loving husband be you rocks, I had friends and family help guide me too :) I really feel the connection to the people we deem most important underlines our life more than most other. I have high hopes for the end of the first quarter of the 21st century in terms of medical advancements and feel its our duty to look past the western way of thinking about health and include the eastern traditional ways. Another often overlooked aid that has helped me gain a more peaceful mind is meditation even if just for 15 minutes. The work on my self is so important I more often than not feel like creating is a meditative process. Yeah I just love drawing lines :)