Hello guys! Today's study was especially fun to do :D I got very lucky with the reference, because as soon as I searched fish in Pixabay I found the perfect photo. I wanted something from Pixabay so that I can share the reference with you guys. The fish itself isn’t very handsome, but the colors and lighting are incredible. I knew instantly that I’ll want to use this elements in my future art.
This study is a part of my bigger project that you can read all about here:
My Mermaids Art Project Plan for July!
My today’s reference:
Image Source-Pixabay
I started with the usual 2 layers of simple sketches. The first one is much rougher, just to position the main object in space. The second one is for details.
After the sketch I worked on layers under the sketch until the details phase where I turned off the sketch layer. I started painting the background first as a warm up. The background is rather blurry on purpose so that the fish stands out more.
When doing studies I avoid color picking from reference. Though my colors may be a bit wrong in the end, the exercise is more useful. However, I do color pick constantly on my painting, as it’s faster and easier just like I do on my other digital art. For the fish I started with a base color, over which I added the rest of colors.
I try to use very saturated brushes when painting as the final result feels more lively. For this study I used a single basic brush, usually called chalk brush.
I created all of the textures effects manually as it gives the texture randomness that a brush can hardly emulate and it’s fun to do.
The following is a gif with more steps so you can more easily see how I did the study. The study took me roughly 3h and 30min. When doing studies, I think it's better to do less studies but to put more time into them. That way you will learn more and faster. For complete art beginners A good amount of study per painting is roughly 5-8h per photo. That's why you should choose carefully your reference :)
My favorite Artist for the day:
Peter Chan- he did concept art for Unfortunate Events movie and he worked on Monkey Island 2!
My favorite music for the day:
Eluvietie-Omnos and Britcom. This is a Celtic Folk Metal Band :)
Crazy fish fact for the day!
Gold fish have teeth and can be trained! :O
@enternamehere , @katalinaooma , @hiddenblade, @adamada , @gotmeens , @nanosesame , @arepazo , @claucor20 , @mrichter, @jodekss, @cryptocariad
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I'll give away 1SBD to a random resteemer. Thank you for your support!
The painting in this post was made by me @kristyglas!
I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading!♡ Day 1; Day 2
wow, it looks so cool ^^
i'm hungry now for some reason xd
and great step by step, specially the gif; and with the time :c, my paints usually take a lot of time, i wish i could draw fast with that quality as well
Thank you hahaha xD
I've gotten good at studies, but making actual new art takes me muuuch longer. I've spent already 2 hours today on a dragon sketch only and not done yet :P Next I have to color it ^^
So nice! Wish I had time (and skills) for such work :D
Well I have a bit of extra time lately xD But won't have for much longer :)
Congratulations! :D
For what? xD
Oh... well... I thought something else happened... but congratulations anyway!!!
Loooool xD noooo hahaha
I guessed what you mean afterall xD
I'll be uncle overkillcoin! XD
You did a great job, I like a lot how you textured it!
Thank you :D
Really nice, kristy ! The underwater feeling is captured very nicely <3 Also, the scales are great * ___ *
Thank you @veryspider :3
very nice, like it a lot...
check my profile, i also paint and will do some tutorials and stuff :)
have a great time.
peace, edga
Thank you ^^
I left a feedback comment on your post, I hope it helps :D
Hi kristyglas,
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Thank you very much! :D
Wow!! This looks very cool! Good job!
Thank you! :D
This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
Thank you ^^
Great choice of music today! :)
Thank you! Do you have any recommendations? :D
Maybe something like this, if you enjoy folk metal :)
Thank you for sharing :D
It's awesome!
Nice, the color is identical, the strokes give it a good touch.
Thank you :D
Wow is a beautiful painting I love how you see the fish you gave very realistic touches! It's a wonderful work of art :)
Thank you very much :D
Very well done 👏👏👏