Personal is so that people relate to you and get to know you. Professional as in "this is what you do all the time" and you have experience. Also professional is associated with respectful and knowledgable.
So if a post is more personal and very important to you as a person, using personal "I" tone is ok. If you're talking about work or looking to teach something, it's good to use a more formal, third person tone ^^
You can google writing tones for more and here is a link to get started
It's just like art, do you want a scary or cute atmosphere; tension /comfort.
This is useful in posts, because you want everyone to understand your art better. However, because you have art to set the main mood, you don't need to complicate writing too much unless you want to :)
Sorry for late reply sometimes it's hard to find time atm for more constructive replies and also it's hard to keep track of all replies.
Thank you for explaining! And for the link I saved it among the other great info links. Never really thought about the way writing it down because I' m to focused on the art. So great tip I have to work on that later on.
Also does it help adding a banner about following and upvoting? I thought it could be a bit like begging for it. I don't say that how it is but it was my first thought on it. I'm a very skeptical thinker so I could be completely wrong ;) Just wondering.
No worries, I have same issue with time.
I admit, I haven't had trouble with upvotes with or without a banner. It's a personal choice and if it makes you uneasy, then I think you don't need it ^^
As for writing, I suggest to spend more time writing on posts you like the most :) Afterall votes are still a bit of a gamble, but if you enjoyed making it, it wont feel so harsh.
Also you do incredibly detailed work, you could easily add even more zoomed in closeups :D Basically micro photography.