So I have joined the local art academy to improve my painting and drawing skills. To do this we got the task to draw something for every letter of the alphabeth and these are the ones I wanted to share with you all
all these drawings and paintings are my own work (you can also buy these for a reasonable amount of steem so just make an offer)
I really hope you like them and I would appreciate any feedback
Ik ben lid geworden van de lokale kunstschool om mijn teken- en schilderkunst te verbeteren. We kregen als opdracht om iets te tekenen of schilderen voor elke letter van het alfabet.
Als iemand een van deze werken wil kopen , ik accepteer graag steem
So now we start with A
and its correct both in flemish as in English
Annemoon, Anemone in watercolours
i interest about your painting,,
thank you