I drew more than 150 pictures inspired Northern Exposere series.
I ask myself: why?
21x28cm, marker, pastel on grid paper, 2018.
I chose the series that I watched as a child. I do not remember* exactly how old I was then. I do not even remember how many episodes it has. Someday two years ago I have started watching it again.
*Anne Friedberg writes interestingly about the subject of projection, screen and memory. In her opinion, a cinema screen, like a window, serves as a metaphorical barrier separating the viewer from the world, making it invisible. Quotes Freud, who in his book Screen Memories claims that the early memory of the child can be a "screen" for later events. A. Friedberg, Virtual Window. From Alberti to Microsoft, Oficyna Naukowa, Warsaw 2012.
Today, when I write this I have seen 3 full seasons and 15 episodes of the fourth . I am very happy that many more is waiting for me to be watched.
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