
This is so funny, as I have actually watched this one! I love watching the various online discussions of AI and also where robotics are going. The Boston Dynamic bots are probably the most that 'scare me' as it were.
Thank you for this, though, and I'll happily chat about ai whenever, though I'm not that informed and as I said, I like your hopeful look to the future :)

Boston Dynamic are the most public in their work. The Japanese are also very busy. There will be slew of companies worldwide working on both AI and robotics because of the perceived market for it. The military have the deepest pockets to fund the research and development. Much of the modern technology we use today is the result of such.

It's true, the war machine does indeed fuel most of our tech. In fact, I am sure there is some amazing tech we, the general public, are not yet allowed to access, but it'll roll out in a decade as the 'new thing'.

I have seen the robotics from Japan being used in hospitals and for the aged, interesting things. I also know that places like Mcdonalds and some coffee places are slowly moving more and more automated. It's funny how it just slowly evolves into our lives. Have you seen the funny bot in a Lowes on the West coast that roams the store and you just interact with it showing it what you are looking for or speaking or typing it in and then you follow it to the location. It's funny.

Many jobs that we thought would always be the preserve of humans will in a few short years be taken over by robotics and AI. This is why basic income is being discussed, because there will be a huge surplus of humans and no work for them.