...or if they are opened, very slowly and very carefully.
The problem is, in our cleverness, we are building technologies that could get beyond our control, such as AI. Researches now have the problem that they have no idea of how AI reaches its decisions, meaning there is no oversight.
Example: AI misidentifying huskies as wolves because it was identifying the background, and not the animal.
We are all to eager to play with our new toys, but fail to grasp the consequences.
In hotels in Japan, there are already androids working there. I think that we all have to be really concerned that people are going to lose their jobs to androids. It will be a sort of technological form of outsourcing. The United States of America is already confronting a major unemployment problem because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I imagine that other nations are experiencing this same problem. Androids taking the place of humans in the workforce will be the ultimate icing on the cake. Moreover, androids cannot contract the COVID-19 and get sick, whereas humans can.
Yes, I believe there are seismic social changes ahead of us. Universal Basic Income won't be the utopian fix most people expect to be. (Yay! I will be paid to play all day... because it is my basic human right!) No, it will be the final chains of slavery... that people will line up for and willingly choose, because they continue to falsely believe that they have influence over the government.
Universal Basic Income may be a temporary fix for such a fate at best, but, yeah, eventually people will need to find alternative ways to gain back their livelihood if our society is to continue to thrive as a democracy. Saudi Arabia has something similar to Universal Basic Income. Then again, they have all that money from their oil and gas industry, so they can afford it as a whole. The Universal Basic Income eliminates any homelessness problems they might have otherwise. However, the monarchy there still has full control over every aspect of every Arabian citizen's life. And perhaps that is good enough for the civilians there, because they have never known any differently. However, we Americans here in our nation will always need our freedom at the end of the day.
UBI comes at a price... freedom. If you do something that the State or Monarchy disapproves of, then goodbye UBI. It is a tool of control, not freedom or assistance.
The best slaves are willing happy slaves.