Art Surrealism: "The Peninsula" With Line Art To Color!

in #art β€’ 5 years ago

Happy Tuesday Evening,
Or Early Mid-Week a.m.!

And Many Blessings To All!

Tonight's image I am calling;
"The Peninsula"!

This is a "generated image", and started with a usual screen of Monochrome gradients.

Then I began to stretch the center of the image into a teardrop shape. I then turned the entire image, then pushed it down and put it through a 3D Mirror to bring out texture. I then added the colors, After this I added all the effects, smoothed it a few times, light vignette and done!

The coloring sketch is also included for anyone inspired!
Just print it out, and start coloring!
I Hope You All Enjoy It!
"Thank You So Much For Viewing,
And A Most Blessed Evening"!


If "Anyone" is looking for artwork - album cover, book cover, whatever - "Let's Talk"!
Leave Me a comment below!
Thanks! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜πŸ˜…

"And let's all make 2020 count, from day one"!!!

"Walk with The Father, and He will Walk With You"!!!
Please be "Centered", whenever possible!

"Time is what You make of it, So make it Your BEST"!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ

Thank You Again for Viewing!!!


Software used:
Mirror Labs
Chroma Labs
Photo Editor - Mac Dev
Thank You for the Awesome Apps!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

Thank You Again for Viewing and have a
"Very Blessed Up-Coming Week"! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Remember "The Father" in ALL THINGS!
He "Remembers You"!

Please consider an upvote!
Thanks it helps!


All images property of "LesMannArt"
"No Commercial Reproduction Of Any Kind Without Written Permission".

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Appreciating you out there, in the cosmos, stretching the boudaries of art and perception and the way we see ourselves and the world.

That Is So Very Nice,
of You to say -
"I Truly Appreciate It"
Also "Appreciate" what You do as well!
I believe You can get this..
There is a long story too, but
I started reading Carlos Castaneda at 12...
Changed My perception forever...
Have A Awesome Evening!