Speed Drawing Hyperrealism // A fish is talking art #2

in #art7 years ago (edited)

After talking about my love for abstract and random art I want to tackle a topic that is quite the opposite.
Hyperrealism aka. Dont stop til its perfect.

Introducing myself to hyperrealism

I have been drawing, or at least trying to draw hyperrealistic for about 6 years now. When I was younger I was used to just draw from imagination which was rich and full of colors, different faces and fascinating patterns.
When I got older that imagination slowly faded away and I focused more on photography. I did that til I was 14 after I started to draw a photograph I had taken before.

I was more and more drawn to this style of art. I started to practise hyperrealism without knowing that it was called hyperrealism. I searched on google or on tumblr for suitable photographs. The pictures could be of ANYTHING. Crystals, hands, instruments, animals, you name it. I soon discovered my love for drawing women (=babes). And I didn´t stop til the drawing somewhat looked like the photo.

(March 2017)

Eventually I started a youtube channel to share my artwork with a community:

Striving to achieve perfection

Hyperrealism to me means perfection. And its something about striving to achieve perfection that drives me crazy. It makes me obsessed, it makes me go to bed late, it makes me skip my meal, it satisfies me but it also frustrates me. This is the complete contrary to the experimental art I was talking about in my last post.

Hyperrealistic paintings always leave me flabbergasped! But there is also something so beautiful to paintings that are close to hyperrealism. Those alterations, those little flaws that make the painting look just a tiny bit different than the photograph are so nice to look at! Maybe because it reminds me that the artist is still human and makes mistakes like I do.

2018-01-12 (2).png
(December 2015)

I think I am still far from hyperrealism but I will never stop practising and I am enjoying this journey too much to want to be at the end of it.

(October 2017)




Wow richtig stark!!

Your hard work is worth it. Good outcome congrats 😃

thank you! :3

That's so good. Keep it up!.

Fantastic work and welcome to the Steemit Community. I think one of the easier ways to obtain more realism without even having to improve is to draw larger. It lets you really get all of those details and subtleties. You have to be pretty patient to do it. Again fantastic work. I'm following to see what else you get up to around here.

Yesss exactly; I discovered too that when I draw everything in larger size it is SO much easier to get all these details! Thank you so much! :)

Ohh die sind der Hammer!! O: Ich bewunder es wenn Leute so viel Geduld und Zeit in Bilder stecken können, ich bin meist nach einer halben Stunde schon so "meh fertig" |D Ich hab vor Jahren mal ansatzweise etwas in die Richtung versucht, hat auch echt Spaß gemacht weil es ja auch was meditatives hat. Richtig großartige Arbeiten! <3

Dankeschön! Mir gehts auch oft so! Ich tu ja eigentlich viel mehr sketchen und doodlen aber es ist auch ganz erfrischend wenn ich so hin und wieder etwas größere 'projekte' habe und auf etwas hinarbeite :D

Das glaub ich dir gerne :) Ein Hindernis das ich seit Jahren mal wieder überwinden möchte ist auch mal wieder länger als 2 Stunden an einem Bild sitzen, das ist nur echt nicht leicht für mich |D Naja, weiter üben üben üben :D

Beautiful ! I follow and resteem

thank you so much! followed back :D

Oh ja ich liebe diese Art von Videos <3

Sehr sehr gut (und realistisch) sehen die Zeichnungen aus, ich freue mich auf die weiteren Beiträge!

Du bist abonniert, gefollowed und natürlich diesen Beitrag geupvoted :)

viiiielen lieben Dank nochmal!! Ich schätze das sehr! :D

Hi, I love this post so I included it in my weekly curation, you can see it here!

this is so kind!! thank you so much! :D

Perfect! May to look at endlessly

thank you so much!!

WOW, ich hab ja schon viel gesehen... auch durch die ein oder andere Freundschaft zu doch recht talentierten Künstlern und Tätowierern. Aber in Sachen Realismus und Porträts ist das definitiv ganz ganz weit oben wenn nicht sogar ganz vorn. Unglaublich gut ! Vote/Follow haste du dir aber sowas von verdient ! bin sehr gespannt auf weitere Werke ! :-) Liebe Grüße aus Leipzig

Das ist soso nett wirklich! Ich bin voll gerührt danke! meine unterstützung für dein profil hast du auf jeden fall auch! :D

Great work Liana! Welcome to Steemit.
Upvoted, following. =)

thank you so much! :3

WOW! Extrem cool! Wie schon gesagt, Vorstellungspost machen, der macht dich viel bekannter ;)

danke nochmal!! :D

Great Work. I have seen some incredible hyperrealistic pieces in person before and I could never put my finger on what it was that made them so interesting. Reading your post I saw you point out "those little flaws that make the painting look just a tiny bit different than the photograph are so nice to look at!", and now I understand. Its like my disbelief was shut off for a few moments when I viewed the art and I did not understand that I was in fact looking at a piece of art. But then you know that it is different somehow than a photograph and your mind flips back and forth from disbelief to full awareness. I think the best pieces of hyperrealism create this effect in the viewer at such a rate that it generates almost a palpable and satisfying vibration within the mind.

Great work.

Thank you for your interesting input and yeah I totally agree!

Hi Lianaa, Great job on the drawings! I like the first example especially. You have a great sense of shading and form. The hardest thing for an artist to learn after creating proper proportions is building up three dimensions by using accurate value. And you are very, very close to creating a photographic work!

I have a drawing contest for newer users of Steemit if you'd like to enter. You can win $15 Steem for first place. The contest is open for a couple days yet.


Thank you so much Matt! :)
I knoooow I have been struggling with the dimension building for the longest time, some attributes like the lips would look 2 dimensional whereas the rest looked 3 dimensional..

Thank you for the kind words, and I already submitted my art! :D thank you!

Unglaubliche bilder! Du hast ein ganz tolles Talent!
Mega das ganze in der entsehung zu sehen :)
Werd dir aufjedenfall folgen bin auf weitere bilder gespannt

You are very talented, but when you think of women as 'babes' you are always going to be drawing fantasy. Hyperreal needs to be about real subjects. Draw real women, the way they are in real life. The first image is incredibly beautiful though.

But I see every woman as a babe! In my vocabulary there isn´t a clear definition of what a 'babe' is! To me a babe is someone beautiful and innocent. You may think I´m exaggerating but that´s the way I see things. Every woman has something beautiful and innocent to her. I hope I make sense..

Thank you for your insight!

But when you draw a babe you are drawing something from a comic book. You are not drawing something innocent, you are drawing an over the top ,sexualised projection of a woman. Just pointing out, it doesnt appear realistic.

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Awesome work!!

Wow you're writing really good. I thought to myself my story can interest you :) But i haven't skills like you :(

Looks like hyperrealism to me! Amazing! I can only imagine how many hours you must pour into these pieces.

Muy buen trabajo con los lapices "compté". Aunque yo no soy hiperrealista, si te puedo decir que durante una semana asistí a las clases que Antonio López dió en el palacio de los Fúcares de Almagro (España). Y me impresionó de los aspectos y detalles que captáis los hiperrealistas.