Yellow Fumed Spoon Pipe Photo Shoot

in #art8 years ago (edited)


Ah the quails are beeping and the power is now back on after a brief shortage that was about to send me to the comfort of my bed. Up here on the mountain, we lose power much more frequently than those down in the bay. This piece is an experimental one as far as color combinations go but I'm pleasantly surprised and going to do more with it soon.


It all starts with a clear blank which was fumed with a heavy layer of silver. The thing with silver is it's best to encapsulate it so the flame doesn't hit it directly and burn it away. This allows it to strike and change without getting burnt off. You can turn a piece you fumed with silver clear just by heating it enough. So most glassblowers decorate with clear or transparent colors and as I've recently gotten a lot more colors at my disposal, I've been experimenting. This time I wrapped it in my translucent yellow, and I like what I got. All it needs is a little black and it's voluntaryist.


So far I've liked just about every color I've tried over fuming, including pink and green.




It's also amazing to me the difference in quality of glass photos with the new cameras. Sometime soon I'll go find my old glass posts to compare.




Check out some of our other recent posts!
Clear Silver Fumed Spoon Pipe Photo Shoot
Acapulco Sunsets: Last Night's Part 2
Acapulco Sunsets: Last Night's Part 1
Farm Update: Here Starts the Wall of Paul


Thanks for the follows, upvotes and support everyone! Until next time!


In the middle photos I notice a hazy blue in the center of the pipe but from reading your post (yellow used for colouring) i'm not sure if that's the background or the glass. Sorry if it's just cloth but looks fascinating!

Its silver fuming which gives the glass a more yellow color until held over a dark surface or smoked out of. Your eyes arent deceiving you, theres blues in there

that's really interesting about the silver, i never knew that it can help like that

There are some glass artists that work exclusively with clear glass and silver fuming techniques and they make amazing things.

I like it :) I hope you make more this post :)