Though this picture seems very simple for me it's one of the hardest things - nature and especially leaves.
What I really like about it - sun light and wind. But I think next time I can try to make it very different.
Though this picture seems very simple for me it's one of the hardest things - nature and especially leaves.
What I really like about it - sun light and wind. But I think next time I can try to make it very different.
Wow! This looks very pretty. I don't know about simple... looks complicated to me :D Great job!
Thank you :)
не хочу писати банальні коменти, як ту на стімі прийнято (і за що я його не долюблюю, все таки в фб більше драйву))))) але по мойму прогрес таки відчутний)))))
Дякую, мені дуже цікаво знати, як це сприймається, бо я не можу навіть дивитися об'єктивно :)