One trashy mag + glue = collage time

in #art7 years ago

I was about to toss out a couple of trashy magazines into the recycling, when I got a brillant idea to try my hand at collage again. Here's the finished work, super happy with how it turned out 2018-03-24 18.43.35.jpg

Continue reading to see the step by step process

I roughly sketched a design, and started sticking skin colour pieces from the magazine on to the page2018-03-24 18.44.33.jpg

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Once the face was covered, I glued on blue paper pieces for the eyes, red for the lips, and then started on the neck and hair. I decided to use black and white pictures for the hair, because I thought it would create a nice contrast against the skin.
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I add some flora touches to the background. Which gave me an idea on how I could finish the artwork.
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I came across some gorgeous looking limes and lemons in the magazine, and decide they would work well for the clothing. Once I saw the flowers in the gardening section, I knew they would go beautifully in her hair.
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I used some black acrylic paint to add some shading around the face and in the hair. Then added some blue eyeshadow using more magazine pictures, to add a touch of POP.

2018-03-24 18.43.35.jpg

Hope you all like it

Chat soon 🐇🐰🐇


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