There was a young man and his father a lot of money and the father did not want to help his son in matters of marriage, so the young man extended a hose under his father's bed and in the evening when the father went to sleep talked the young man in Khartoum and said why you do not want to help your son to marry, Who is talking is a fearful reared and said I will help my son to get married.
In the morning, while the young man was sitting in the living room, his father came and told him that she did not want to get married. The son said, "I have changed my mind and I will not get married." The father divided his son to marry.
The story of a sheikh
A sheikh tells that when he was 18 years old, his family took him to one of the girls.
The day before the wedding came the uncle of the groom and the bride with the dowry but the bride's family did not receive the dowry, so the bridegroom cried because he thought the marriage would stop, so he prayed and prayed to God and called God so much Faraj Allah to the groom and married his bride.
Wedding Back:
A married man decided to marry a second wife, and he actually went to the wedding of one of the girls. After the bride's family agreed on everything, the groom and his bride arranged everything for their lives.
On the appointed day of the wedding, the audience was surprised when the bride and groom entered the first wife wearing a white dress showing symptoms of pregnancy and her belly swollen. The bride's parents became angry at what happened and took their daughter back to their home. The groom took his first wife and showed them as if they were first married.
The husband's pessimism about his wife:
One of the husbands raised a case in order to divorce his wife. When the man appeared before the judge, the judge asked him why she wanted to divorce your wife, man.
The man said, "I want to divorce my wife because it is a bad thing." The judge said, "How is this man?" The man said, "When I first went to see her before I married her, he hit my car with a huge garbage bin.
After my engagement, my mother died and the joy turned into a consolation. Whenever I went out with her anywhere, the radar recorded my speed and took offense.
On the day of the wedding, a huge fire broke out in our neighbors' house and the fire spread to house our house too.
On the second day after the wedding, my father came to visit us and he fell and broke his leg. When I went to the hospital, we discovered that he had been hit by sugar. My father traveled to the hospital and did not return until now.
When my brother and his wife visited me, a fight broke out between them. The people returned to me and lost my job, which I worked for about 15 years. The judge looked at the wife who did not open her mouth.
The husband was persuaded by the words of the judge and his wife grabbed him and did not divorce them. Before the judge adjourned the session, he received a letter dismissing him from the duties of the judge. He called on the husband and told him to divorce her.