Greetings friends
Still working on balancing the face proportions, which is the key to good portrait as well as a good caricature.
Got an awful lot of useful tips form these youtube videos, if thats their free content I really should consider the paid version ;)
[PL wersja]
Pozdrowienia przyjciele
Wciąż walczę z wyważeniem proporcji, co jest kluczem do dobrego - podobnego - portretu jak i karykatury.
Bardzo dużo cennych wskazówek znalazłem w powyższych filmach youtube. Może rozważę ich płatny kurs, skoro darmowe próbki sa na takim poziomie ;)
Really nice caricatures, I never had a reason to do it, but the video you've shared convinced me. :) He's right, it'll make you much more marketable.
Thanks, man for sharing your lovely work. You did a great job and I hope to see more! :) I also see you're somewhat new to steemit.. so am I! :D
"it'll make you much more marketable." I know right? :)
besides its fun to twist those faces :P
best of luck