I just got my latest work to the point where I'm happy with it. This is a little rougher than I usually leave things - and it's done with stand oil on wood panels, so the paint is going to float around and drip and mix together a fair bit more over the next couple of weeks as the thing dries - but I know better than to continue messing with a piece after it gets to where it should be...

Here are some process pics. This one started with a paint sketch, then I filled in the earth tones, then I brought out the composition.

One of the coolest things about painting big is that zooming in on any part of a work reveals a whole world of color and texture.

And here's the complete painting, ready to be set somewhere until it dries, or until I change the whole thing in some random fit of inspiration.
Which sometimes happens.
I love this one @mada! Is this one of Penny? Totally agree on the close detail shots revealing a world of colors.
Thanks! And it is Penny, whose modeling talent would probably play quite well here on steemit.
How about "Aboriginal"
Edit: just realized the actual name.
very fine! Original style...
Love pieces like this. It feels like you drop perfect realism in sections to fill it in with colours to represent some feeling usually lost in other works, but so vivid and real here.
This is deserving of many, many upvotes... you have a real talent! Got any ideas at all for the name?
"I don't know what to call her." is the title of this painting.
Awesome work :)
like it