Awesome depth and color. Very cool.
Having accidentally sipped paint water on several occasions, and made paint water from poorly-located coffee more than once, I can honestly say that it is far worse to absent-mindedly sip turpentine while expecting it to taste like coffee...
But the sipping on turpentine sounds unbelievably awful! Thanks for the upvote, just followed you!Thank you @mada :) mate i've done the sipping paint thing a few times...
Yup. Like getting a mouthful of gasoline without the thrill of ending up with a car that will make it the rest of the way; ) These days, I thin paint and clean brushes with walnut oil. Just to be on the safe side.
Mate, I'm sitting here with a coffee next to me and reading this is making me check my cup...
and walnut oil sound like the way to go! :)