Furðufó - An illustrated book I made - #Part 1

in #art8 years ago


In 2009 I was very sick so I spent a lot of time on the sofa. While in that state I desided to illustrate some of the golden moments and sayings I had written dow from my then 4 years old daughter. I am going to show you samples from that book in few posts here on Steemit. I know that many of the funny things are because of how the language rimes or is put together but it can be hard to deliver that in an English translation as this is written originally in Icelandic. But I am going to try my best.
I hope you enjoy!

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When me and Bragi finally had our daughter Una after living together for many, many years and see how one magic followed another in her upbringing we couldn't understand why for gods sake we hand´t feched this grate girl long before. But as her father was a bit slow learner in some ways Una didn´t come into the world until the year 2005. All things has it´s own tempo and place so when looked at in a bigger spectrum everything is like it is supposed to be.

Víðir her big brother was also a very fun kid that talked like an elderly and sang anthems as well as producing a lot of golden sentences. At the time he was born I wasn´t mature enough to write it down and keep it memorized on paper but the philosophy of a child can be such a wonderful thing. It´s like those small souls are pouring magic powder all around them.

Last year, the year that Una was three years old I had written down a lot of her funny moments and even written down our conversations. Now I have put it into this book along with illustrations with a good help from Una her self. She has even helped draw some of the pictures and she found this grate title her self "Furðufó" (Gibberish out of Furðu which means weird)
She also likes it when I read the texts for her and she can laugh of most of them as she has a good humor.


Una´s theory of evolution

One day Una asked her father "Daddy when did we move here?" Her father answered "We moved here three years ago."
-No, no I mean when did we move here? She asked repeatedly.
-We moved her three years ago when you were nearly one year old.
-No daddy, I mean when did we move here she asked again and now with some anticipation because of this lack of understanding.
Then she added and answered her self at the same time.
"Well…first the dinosaurs came and then they extincted. Then all the small animals came and all the birds that said bíbíbíbíbbíbbb. Then the the parrots came singing. Then the big animals came along with the human. And then I came into my mothers tummy and then I was born and then we moved here.
Her father finally understood the question, or so he thought.


Armadillos, raccoon´s and cheeky-cans

Me and Una where laying in the bed reading the alphabet of the animals. Una has started to edit her books a lot. When I read for her about the Armadillo and when I told her that one type of a Armadillos can change into a bowl she screamed "No!" It isn´t like that mommy. In Diego (Dora and Diego the cartoons) all the Armadillos can change into balls.


But while reading we also discovered the important thing that you can not have the Icelandic name Úlfaldi (a camel) only Sigvaldi (an existent Icelandic name for a male).


Then she told me that the raccoon (that is called a washing bear in Icelandic or þvotta-björn) helps the washing machines to turn around while lying on the glass window turning it around and around.

Then after all kinds of updates and weird thoughts she clicked out by telling me that if you pee on a poop it turns into mold.

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After our reading the little lady was wide awake and ran into the living room. There she found a dvd disk with Garfield. She started to nausea for watching Garfield and even if I said no repeatedly she had already taken the disk out of its holster. She put the disk on her finger and said "If you don't say yes right away the disk will just get stuck on my finger!" This threat didn´t change my mind. Then Una took the disk into the bedroom where the dvd player was and I could hear her rambling "Una Guðbjörg is a very determent person and she is going to watch Garfield".

Well she didn´t manage to plug in the dvd player on her determination so she went into the kitchen where she asked her father if she could watch Garfield. Her father also replied with a "No" so she was becoming very frustrated. "Well but I´m still going to watch Garfield, that is my rule". Obviously we were supposed to follow her rule.

The child is repeatedly saying to her mother these days "Mom if you don´t do as I say then I will quit being your kid". I think that little Miss determined needs a stricter behavioral system so it won´t end by us calling her "Miss cheeky-can" (we use the word Frekju-dolla in Icelandic. Dolla = a tin can).

Stay tuned for next part if your interested.


The raccoon is called "Washing Bear" (þvotta-björn) That's awesome! Racoons wash their hands, and their closest relative is the red panda (bear) I believe. So that's a really insightful name. Are there raccoons in Iceland?!

Also, It looks like I might be kicking off my #steemP2Ptour in Iceland coming up here in September. Do you know other local Steemians in Iceland? It would be great to meet you, and if you want to do a short interview that'd be great as well. :) I'm trying to interview as many Steemians as I can along the way.

Thank you @lovejoy :) Yes the Washing bear is very transparent name. But no we don´t have any racoons here. We don´t even have squirrels. We have a fox a mink and mice and rats as well as reindeer but no other wild animals. Than we have millions of birds and sea animals with the fishes. Nice to hear your coming to Iceland in September. My husband is on Steemit as well, his name is Bragi @bragih Your welcome to be in touch when you come to Iceland :)