Beautiful memories

in #art8 years ago

Remembering the past, the feeling, those of the heart so present. Feeling can not be a memory, he is or dies. As long as it exists, it remains a continuing prolongation of life. What the attentive man is looking for is not sentimental living, but living through feelings, with some beneficial and dynamic inflation.


Our life is like a more intricate, one-sided, and two-way hourglass. An exit is that, deeply intriguing, of moments that look more or less quickly, and the second, much, much smaller, is intended for those who seem unforgettable. Over time, what's beginning to become much more, and what's at first becomes less and less. It is clear the report: much more watching than we remember. It's probably in the nature of things. Remember as much as we can go. Hence our need for recovery resurrection. A disturbing question arises: what happens when the hourglass returns?


Remember, remember, bring to mind. Memory seems to hold on, not heart. And yet only that which reaches the heart totally involves our being. And especially the person. The mind has a more impersonal character than the heart, and the ordinators have memory, but the heart does not ... There is, however, no suitable word, "ainimire", for example. Deep Christianity has solved the problem by discovering the possibility of "descending" (humiliating, in essence) the mind in the heart, in a hypostatic union, to existence under the conditions of man's ontological data. Sure, it can be said the other way around, as the heart goes up, bringing the vital rhythm that is necessary to it. We see how the Fathers call the Prayer of Jesus when Prayer of the Heart, When Prayer of the Mind. Jesus lives in the mind, and in the heart. The heart keeps the earth, the mind of the Spirit. And yet the Spirit pierces our heart, and the moving earth of the heart doth blind our minds.



Love. What role does she play in the memory of forgetting? It would seem that we are harder to forget what we love with much power, that the ones lived in full love draw deeper and more persistent expositions in the so complex and complicated mechanism of our memory. Let's talk, then, with enough justification, and a memory of the heart? But that leads us to another disturbing question: how can our love sometimes be? Because we hear seldom expressions that speak of deception in relation to sentimental implications once stormy. On the other hand, how much so faded in time the images so clear about love so clear and total! In the case of our love, anywhere in the generous range in which they can fit, not the memory of images we need, the perpetuation of some, sometimes quite awkward experiences.


But. Memory is also a gift. As such, you can have a prodigious memory or a weak memory. If you are in the first case, the better. If not, you do not have to worry too much. You can possibly do some mnemonic exercises. There will be other gifts that you have and which will in part compensate. You have to learn to fight and defeat always with the weapons you have. But first to discover them, which is sometimes the hardest thing to do.


First memory. Each has a first memory, the oldest, somewhat diffuse, yet life-long, a sign that marks the beginning of conscious life, to the extent that we can identify the beginning of memories with the formation of a minimal self-consciousness.

Childhood memories. How awkward it would be a childhood, how short, how frustrating she kept retrospectively in memory a paradisiacal color. A certain freedom, a certain sense of feeling, a certain lack of realization of the difficulties and responsibility for them, an approximation to the simple and natural life, a more hopeful hope in a good future, a kind of innocent unconsciousness. - all of these make it possible to receive the life and the infancy of childhood in what they have more and more charm.


Beginning. Many are particularly reminded of the memories of different beginnings in their lives, perhaps due to their unrepeatability. First day of school, first love, etc. Okay, it would be nice to have the first love in the last, in its top sense, as the highest and the smallest.

Today, technical means can print out the images of the first day of your life, or other beginnings we can not remember at times. But, rejoining us, will we have a rather strong feeling that we are in front of a stranger? After all, we only identify with the memories of conscious time, beyond the mechanical memories that can be made possible by the devices so perfect today.


Time marking. On a personal scale, time is marked with memories. But memories can also be created, at least in part. My friend, Gregory, has acquired such a "science". He realized that memory can be created through culture (= cultivation), like pearls. For this you need to insert sand grains (or, rather, gold, friendship), to hurt the shell of memory and generate the margaritte. Create a specific time for the cultivation of memories, then try to get out of the current monotony, and any element out of the ordinary, even if at the time of production it can be uncomfortable, eventually becomes a bob in the gemstone that you are still trying to You linger all over your life.


Debt. At least some of our memories have the duty to turn them into testimony. Maybe that's why I keep some diaries (noting what is happening to them), others write memories (they remember what happened past them). Not once, and these are the most exciting cases, memories mingle through diary pages, or notations of the day among memories.


What lovely work you do! Love this! :)

nice paper work!

Thank you.