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RE: Bull Saga part 3. Infallible Way How To Improve General Market Mood- How I See The Law Of Attraction

in #art7 years ago

The present is certainly a gift from the universe and I believe that is why it is called the present.

It’s the greatest present of all

Indeed, Problems do not exist when we are focussed on the present but some types of problems need to be solved. I find that the act of solving a problem is very empowering and gives us energy once achieved which equates to problems actually being a blessing in disguise.

When I look back at all the problematic major events in my life I realise that they have lead me down a better path and I have become a better, stronger and more enlightened person than I once was. Without the experience of solving those problems I would be in a much different place than I currently am with much less life experience.

Like everyone else I too have dreams of where I want to be in the future but I won’t achieve them unless I live in, and take advantage of “the greatest present of all”

The Present


From a perspective of immortal spirit, there is no problem. It's as simple as that. There is only event along the way that mind sometimes interprets as problems (when it gets a chance to analyze it, which basically means that's when you stop being present), because the situation is unpleasant/painful. Do you think your immortal soul suffers if you die? Or if you can't pay bills? :D Nope. I agree with Eckhart Tolle 100% when he says- there are no problems without mind getting into the game. Problems are only in the mind. Thanks for great comment Mark!

I’m a pretty chilled out person and not someone who focusses on problems. I do agree that problems only exist in the mind however I find it’s other people who pull me into a problem like if something at home needs fixing my wife will go on at me about it until I fix it. When I injured my back at work I was bedridden for 6months in excruciating pain and could only crawl if I needed to get around the house but it wasn’t my problem. That certainly needed my focus due to our health system. I had to fight to get my share of the health dollar or would have been in that position for the rest of my life. It was an injury though, not a problem. The problem was our health system. A prolapsed disc is certainly no fun. I only focussed on the injury when I was fighting for treatment however not when bedridden. In NZ our surgeons and specialists are not accountable to anyone. Eg they can’t be sued and if they don’t like you then you don’t get treatment without a fight. Same thing happened after my operation when I was poisoned by the titanium implants. It took 3 years of fighting to have it removed and if it wasn’t for the brave souls in the health system who were actually good people and stood up for me I would not have had the metal removed and may not be here now. I was originally told that it was impossible to be allergic to titanium but after the removal my surgeon certainly changed his tune. I tell you what it felt great having this surgeon with a god complex eating his words. So I totally agree with you that problems are only in the mind, unfortunately though I found through these experiences that other people’s or institutions problems can be thrust upon us when we are in a vulnerable position and need their help. It’s a great topic that many don’t understand. My wife has never been able to understand that I never get stressed about anything even when bedridden in excruciating pain with a prolapsed disc or even when poisoned. I have told her that it is a choice but she has been unable to make that choice for herself. Thanks for the great discussion Jan