Some mountains and a house in the fog

in #art4 years ago

gaugan mountains.jpg
While still trying to get the most out of this platform, experimenting with the native images and sticking to the basics, it seems like the AI can't make sense of all the inputs I make, with the intended outcome not necessarily what I get in the end.

It is like I'm learning how the machine is learning, and I'm slowly learning what to do to get it to somehow understand what I want. What I don't want, of course is the machine to learn how I think :-D !!!

gaugan house in foginput.png
"House in the fog" input vs...

gaugan House in fog output.jpg
"House in the fog" output

There will always be another day to try something different. Next time I will try adding my landscape photos and see how it goes.


Great Gaugans.
Fighting with Nvidia. hehe
I'm fighting it now.:-)