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RE: Interactive Paintings: The Vagabonds, Final Episode #8!

in #art7 years ago (edited)

The 8 at the start wasn't picked in this one yet... @deemarshall picked the 8 at the end already, and @bzaryp did take the one at the start, but after your comment. Am I missing something?

EDIT: I get it now 8-8-8 ;) cheers!
I've got:
Giselle, the Nostalgic Anarchist from The Marshall Islands, she's the wrinkly and stuck up Neighbour of Salt!


hmm... I could swear @bzaryp was here before me!

Good thing everything is recorded - indeed, they were: created 2018-02-03 01:40:54 - a SOLID 9hrs before me!

and it WAS intended to be 8-11-8 ... that's @pv-p's letters index numbers (16-22-16) halved.

so yeah... I know shit gets confusing :P ...I live with what I get, because we have already proven the universe makes it's way here all by itself.

and I really don't want to give up the Nostalgic Anarchist trait now!

Aaah, I thought I got it, but I got it totally different, I see your reasoning now!

(My train of thoughts: you picked 8-11-8, with both 8's being picked already; and @pv-p picked 8 as the middle number - so you could see what 8-8-8 would have been as a result. Never mind, it's confusing and chaotic as hell, exactly what the setup of this game was intended to be :D

Still a good result, eh! :)