🔹 MY ART - watercolored peony painting

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, after a week spent in a bed with flu I started to paint again and this is the result. A peony painting 36x51cm big.


original photo


Thanks for watching!


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Marty, nenech se znepokojit tim debilem jaguarem. Je to kompletni kreten co se znazi byt dulezity. Nema tu absolutne zadnou autoritu a neni treba na nej reagovat nebo ho brat vazne. Sam pouziva fotky bez povoleni a sice jedna ku jedne! Precti si o tom zde: https://steemit.com/abuse/@thermoplastic/re-jaguarforce-jaguar-force-expands-20190210t105141354z?fbclid=iwar3ucs_9mgxyqr4wcyrilfmveeybchimswc1fkoginnqqpwfclw4phflrhg

Dakujem za link @gric. Tuto temu som nikdy velmi neriesila... ani neviem ci som niekedy videla aby umelci davali odkazy na zdroj inspiracie, alebo predlohy ked zverejnuju svoju pracu... Ale ked to pravidla vyzaduju, nie je pre mna problem dat link na zdroj. Mam malo ciste vlastnych autorskych obrazov... skor stale pracujem na technike a to sa bez predlohy nezaobide...

Neznám malíře který by nějakým způsobem nepoužíval předlohy. Je to běžné a není to plagiát když z toho vytvoří něco nového. Když se jedná o kopii tak není na škodu udat pramen, ale ty "pravidla" co tu těch pár debilů propaguje jsou směšné. Já nemusím jako malíř udávat odkud čerpám svoji inspiraci, je to moje věc.
Je to ubohé jak se tu někteří idioti vzrušují kvůli obkreslenym fotkám ale přitom nevidí jak Steemit upadl do totální automatizované korupce.

na podstatne veci sa zabuda... ja uz na steemite moc veci nesledujem, prave preto ze viem ako je to tu automatizovane... tiez to mam automatizovane.. system to dovoluje, tak to je pre vacsinu ludi jednoduchsie a vyuziju to. kedysi ma to vytacalo, teraz uz neriesim. len mi vzdy prislo trochu luto, ze ludia, ktori si zasluzia podporu a naozaj makaju a prinasaju sem hodnotu su velakrat nepovsimnuti.

You are wrong, the image is linked to as SteemCleaners rules require.
As was said, we dont enforce nor agree with copyright law.

Dear Marty, start showing your !sources of inspiration including the reference image visually in your posts and a link to a source.


tag creative? tag traced would be more accurate

There is a difference between tracing and painting my own hand you know ;) One requires click, the other requires years of hard work.
There is link to source, next time spend some time reading the entire post ;)

This piece is 100% traced, then painted on top with exactly the same shading.
The link to the source was added after we commented on the post.
Here is the evidence that proves it: http://scribe.steemian.info/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsteemit.com%2Fart%2F%40marty-arts%2Fmy-art-watercolored-peony-painting

I totally concur with you, copying is not theft, but copying something and not showing what you are copying and not even mentioning what you are copying of that you are copying is deception. This is not about copyright, its about deception and basing your work on another artist's work and not giving credit to it, namely, plagiarism.

This is all just your opinion. Your opinion is not law. She traced it and created something in another medium on her own.

It's funny that @jaguar.force is on a hunt for plagiarism but is stealing other people's images big time: https://steemit.com/abuse/@thermoplastic/re-jaguarforce-jaguar-force-expands-20190210t105141354z?fbclid=iwar3ucs_9mgxyqr4wcyrilfmveeybchimswc1fkoginnqqpwfclw4phflrhg

What a fucking hypocrite!

The very head cleaner of SteemCleaners just told you otherwise in that very same post.

I think with a painting with such level of detail is kinda implied the artist had to use some form of reference, you cannot paint something like that from memory...unless you're kim jung-gi and even his drawings are not that realistic..., which reference the artist used is irrelevant for me, her skills as a painter is what I praise and thus why I upvote and promote this post.

You are an art curator for ntopaz and you have to respect the rules of ntopaz, which include and I quote:

If you have practiced copying another person's work, you must specify the author and source.

Period, have a nice day.

That picture is almost as beautiful as you.

Thank you marty-arts! You've just received an upvote of 73% by @ArtTurtle!

Learn how I will upvote each and every one of your art and music posts

Please come visit me as I've updated my daily report with more information about my upvote value and how to get the best upvote from me.

Not sure if you know about this: Peony was the national flower of the last dynasty of China, the Qing Dynasty. Your painting looks so real as if you could touch the petals!

Posted using Partiko Android

super nice!

This looks warm and good :) ... Cool color art :)
I hope you soon try B&W also :)


When posting content that either is owned by someone else or inspired by someone else’s works, it is proper to list the said source in your post with a link to the original.

Failing to do so is considered plagiarism, and could result in being blacklisted by curation groups or even flagged.

Examples include:

  • Using another artist's original drawing/painting/digital art as a “study” or inspiration without linking the original and giving credit to the original artist.
  • Linking to someone else’s YouTube video with no source.
  • Using someone else’s photos or text without linking to the original source etc.

Please make sure you do so in the future, thank you.

Thank you for inserting a link to the reference image Marty

but please make it so that the image is shown in the post, not only link to it, I mean, if this photo is so good as to inspire your painting it definitely deserves to be shown in the post to your audience, additionally curators will be able to see in the same page, and without opening a new tab, both images and find how different or identically traced they are. http://scribe.steemian.info/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsteemit.com%2Fart%2F%40marty-arts%2Fmy-art-watercolored-peony-painting

🎉 Congratulations @marty-arts! 👏, your amazing Artwork has been selected to be featured in my curation post.

thank you :)

Beautiful drawing of the peony flower, @marty-arts :) I love the detailing you have put into the picture very much ! The way you interpret the colours is also very lovely <3 Wonderful post <3