Wow, New Hints? Let me guess and take some help from my desk globe;
Chesemore, country starts with M and flag colors are Red, Green and yellow..... Is Chesemore from Mali?
Charly from Romania, and Calaly from Italy? I am very sure about these!!
Neterlade from France? Oh also I learned that Flag strips can be horizontal or vertical for two different flags. Thanks @cmgsteems, i learned it today.
:) Yes of course! I will let you know where it's from, if no one else guesses :)
I will wait for the answers. Good learning for me.
Can you try guessing with her new hints? :)
Wow, New Hints? Let me guess and take some help from my desk globe;
Chesemore, country starts with M and flag colors are Red, Green and yellow..... Is Chesemore from Mali?
Charly from Romania, and Calaly from Italy? I am very sure about these!!
Neterlade from France? Oh also I learned that Flag strips can be horizontal or vertical for two different flags. Thanks @cmgsteems, i learned it today.
Ben? Let me guess him......Is from South Africa?
And Kepy from Cuba!!!
Please, please let me know my marks!
Calaly is from Italy.
Neterlade is from France.
Kepy is from Cuba.Hello @mathworksheets! Wow you got many right!
Chesemore is from Mexico.
Charly is from Russia.
Ben is from Spain :)
Nice guesses.
Thanks again for guessing!!
Yayyy. So happy, thank you @cmgsteems :)
Thank you so much for participating @mathworksheets! She hoped more people would guess but was very happy you did. So I thank you!
You are always welcome @sgnsteems. You know, not all of the people think about their future but I do! LOL.