
She actually asked for one. If I would just take one of my crazy paintings and "surprise" gifted it to someone and it was never displayed, that would different as I know my style is not everyone's cup-o-tea. She asked though...... oh well....

Maybe she thought it was some grand double bluff and you would never part with one and then you out-bluffed her and now she can't hang it because it would mean facing her defeat every day!

Heheheh only @meesterboom could have thought of the double bluff! I love it lol and I do believe you might actually be onto something here!

I think so too!! Always got to be expecting that doubler!!!


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LOL.... that made me laugh. I'm sure it must be something twisted like that.

Or maybe this was her evil plan all along ! Ask me for one knowing with my totally generous spirit I would give it to her and then she put it in the back of the closet facing the wall, never to see daylight again, knowing I would always wonder about it..... OH HOW EVIL ! I'm totally changing the way I see her now.

Hahaha, what a twisted web we weave when we go down that road!!!

You have it right, her evil knows no bounds. It's time for plan b!!

Vivid Imagination strikes again !