I don't like pain, so it will always have to be from accidental bleeding. LOL... no self-cutting just for art's sake.
Now if I just knew some voodoo to go with it, so I could secretly gift blood art to people I'd like to control. What's funny about this statement is, that I don't know anybody I'd like to control. Now if I could send the gift to some politicians over here.......that might be worth a little try.
Nearly anything is possible !
I don't like pain, so it will always have to be from accidental bleeding. LOL... no self-cutting just for art's sake.
Now if I just knew some voodoo to go with it, so I could secretly gift blood art to people I'd like to control. What's funny about this statement is, that I don't know anybody I'd like to control. Now if I could send the gift to some politicians over here.......that might be worth a little try.
I think politicians might be the best bet!!
Can't beat a bit of blood drama!
Blood art, new babies, it's all going on 😀