
Hi !

I tried to remember if I ever actually watched the time change before. I know at least a time or two, I have still been awake when it did change, but I don't remember ever watching as it did.

In my living area, mostly my favorite previous paintings are all over and the majority of those do not change. However, as you can imagine, I always feel like I am running out of walls! There is a huge "organization of art" project that I hope to do in the near future, where I will go through everything, to organize and decide what further I will do. I do have a wall or two in my work room that could hold more of them, if i could only get to the walls. LOL.... I need a much bigger house, between what I create and what I buy, it's getting a little crowded in here. I tell myself I will stop buying and sometimes there are long periods that I don't and then...... I find something and get crazy brain about it and decide I have to have it. I love it all.

It's a good problem to have! ♥️

It is!