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RE: Spider Coccoon

in #art6 years ago

Welcome back @veryspider! Palnet is really cool! The short version is that it's Pal's version of Steemit, it has different distribution, 50/50 author curator split, and people who care actually working on it. I'm really excited about it!

You can post anywhere on Steem and just use the #palnet tag and your post will show up there and be eligible to earn PAL.


Thanks, @midlet !!! I'm glad to hear PALnet is something you believe strongly in :) It helps make me have faith in it ! AND ALSO THANK YOU FOR BREAKING IT INTO SIMPLE MODE FOR THIS SPODER~~~~~

Glad to be back <3

I'm actually making the "simplified for the artists community" Palnet post right now :D

WOH!!!! I'd LOVE that !!!! I'll peel my eyes out for when you drop it, for sure :D