Hello @reddragonfly...... Apprenticeship is a way very effective way of acquiring knowledge because like they say "experience is the best teacher". Its such a pity apprenticeship is kinda winding down in this century. Am pretty sure, popular artist like Michelangelo, Picasso and Salvador Dali became masters by first been apprentice once.
If you would know, apprenticeship is still very much practised in Africa when learning any kind of trade.
Thanks for sharing @reddragonfly..... I wish I could see how your gallery looks like
Thanks for the nice comment @mikay. It does seem like apprenticeships still happen quite a lot in countries having a "skill" or "trade" is valued-- carpentry, stone mason, artist and so on; here in the USA it has become quite rare, sadly.
Art is beautiful and should be appreciated.
@reddragonfly you can help preserve the art cultural heritage in the USA for generations unborn . They will owe that to your seeing the bigger picture and taking steps on time. @antigenx