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RE: 3 Years Journey Of 1 Painting. And a Little Tip How To Energize Your Mornings.

in #art7 years ago

Had to chuckle at the sleep bit. I think the deeper we get into our creativity the less we want to sleep and the more we want to make :) Also the panic of how to make rent with our art, lol. Always fun to watch the evolution of your pieces!


last night was 100times better than the previous one Mike haha, you know it! Yup, totally, I sleep so much less then what I used to yet my energy levels are much higher! I am ok with the rent, one of the lucky ones who is even making a luxurious living with it...more than I need actually. SUPER GRATEFUL! :) Much Love bro thanks for stopping by!

Glad to hear that on so many levels :)