Let's get a bit away from all the paper flowers I've been showing you later, and introduce you one of my favorite origami "3D painting" :)
Because I love animals, and especially cats, I decided to create a colorful artwork with a cat sitting in the middle, out of 364 folded rectangles. Believe it or not, I had a bit of a hard time making the shape of the cat, because of the way the pieces had to be glued together. And after 5 hours of continuously glueing so many of them, you get kinda dizzy :-D
The artwork is sort of unfinished if you notice. I wanted to make a nice solid frame around it and add a few backlight leds that would illuminate behind the rectangles. But I used so many hours just folding all that paper and making it all fit, that I decided to let it be as it is for a while now.
If any of you would like me to create any sort of paper artwork (quilling, origami, paper folding and cutting etc.) for you or someone dear, you can visit --> my website here and contact me. In my next posts, I will present you some beautiful handmade packages and gift boxes I made. Happy Steeming and stay tuned! :)

Haha thanks mate :)
Hey, that's really gorgeous! Love it!
Thanks @teemujvi!