Art Made of Trust - Staging the Fears
What happens when an energy dialogue between the artist and the public is opened?Many things...but one is sure. People show their faces when confronted with possibilities.
Long before 2003 when Lars von Trier produced his avant-garde crime drama film as a parable about the human nature, Marina Abramovic presented the same idea about human nature through her performances. The difference is huge. Her performance was real. Her blood was her blood, and not a ketchup, scars were scares and exposed to such an easy use of opportunity, many people, in spite the fact that it was open and in public, have shown their true nature. Animal nature? Oh, no. In comparison to animals, for people under such circumstances new words should be invented.
This astonishig video shows how powerful art can be and that artists truly have tools for transformation of consciousness.
Since the 1970s, Marina Abramovic has been using her body as a subject and as a medium in her grueling long-term performances to test physical, mental and emotional boundaries - often even risking her life.
The Performance That Breaks Into Life
And what happens with direct experience of the moment? Or encounter? We are never again the same.
I am grateful to You tube for giving us an opportunity to withess so many great things!
Grateful to Marina Abramovic for inspiring me!
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Marina is one of my greatest inspiring people! I love her!
She really IS an inspiration.