Looking at this over 4 day;s piece of work,
As with the best works of art, one who sees the beauty of the final piece, risks thinking it was something easy to achieve.
Only the artist understands the toil and both brainwork and handwork, that it takes to arrive at the final product.
Just look at this one, very simply! In theory, it should take a couple of hours! How wrong.
Its a fine drawing, @masummim. Very fine drawing.
finally, some one understands that art is not just making scratch with pencil
Thanks @masummim50. Art takes so much, anybody who understands what it takes for the brain to conceptualize, then the hand to internalize, and finally the pencil to obey....should see art, simple as it finally appears, takes more than just meets the eye.
I am an artist, although of words, and i know this. Glad to share in your works