Dear Steemians,
Before to write any other words, I want to thank you for your support and your hospitality here on Steemit! I just feel to write this down, so I just did! Lots of thank you from Miss Deli!
Moving on, WARNING!!! This article contains a lot of photos!! ALL PHOTOS ARE MADE BY ME, and they are the result of my work!
Since we're in Week Three within thispost, but today is about CREATING! I LOVE TO CREATE STUFF , HANDMADE STUFF more exactly ! challenge #sixweekhealth , hosted by @healthsquared and @sweetsssj, I want to share with you How I de-stress while crafting and making handmade stuff. I also told you about stress relief using essential oils in this
It is a way of relaxation while sitting down and let my mind create beautiful things! I'm not about to write much about it cause I dont know what to write, But I will show you part of my creations! I get lost in the world of creativity and art and YES, this is one of my hobbies and I really enjoy it. That's why, part of my personal bussines includes crafting! (you can read about it in my first post, if you like).
Ok, done with talking! Let me show you some pictures! I mean, lots of pictures:p I cant describe the method for these crafts cause they are very different, but if you have any question, leave it in the comment section.
This is me, in the craft workshop :d
This is me, with my friend @didutza ! We were painting something I cant remember what exactly! She also loves crafts! You can check her profile, she is pure love!
Did you know that Creating art is a very effective way to stimulate the brain? Activities like painting, sculpting, drawing, and photography are relaxing and rewarding hobbies that can lower your stress levels and leave you feeling mentally clear and calm.
Creating art provides a distraction, giving your brain a break from your usual thoughts. This meditative-like state focuses your mind and temporarily pushes aside all your worries.
Leonardo da Vinci said, “Painting embraces all the ten functions of the eye; that is to say, darkness, light, body and color, shape and location, distance and closeness, motion and rest.” but I find it not also in painting. Crafting works the same for me!
So, I was talking earlier abou my business. I create healthy baskets , meaning they are full of healthy foods and care products for my clients! I gave them a personal look , which includes me, crafting these products and bakets. Here are some examples for you to understand:)
This is one Basket I did for STEEMIT COMMUNITY!
And this is one "necklace" I did for myself :p
I love to create handmade cards especially! I did a lot of those! Here are some photos!
These cards were still waiting to be done!
This is a set of mini handmade cards made for my cousin from Canada!
I enjoyed creating these handmade cards that contain a teabag, caring the message GET WELL!
This is a flowers wreath I made for myself for one special ocassion!
Two years ago, I made these crafts for one special school, meaning a school for kids with special needs. I helped them create these handmade stuff to sell and recieve some money as donations for them! The theme were Easter cause it was around Easter Time.
And here, you have some "mărțișoare". Here in Romania we celebrate the first day of spring and the tradition can not exist without these handmade brooches, called "mărțișoare". The boys and men give this to girls and women and they wear it in the month of March! As many of these you recieve, it's best!
Here is some Raw Pressed Sunflower Oil, I had fun crafting this bottles and gave them as present to my friends! Actually I created some Spicy Herb Oil, meaning I put in the oil dried rosemary, oregano, chilly, dark pepper!
This are some random photos that I also crafted.
These are some crafts I made for a wedding! @didutza @ruth-elise and @myvictoria also helped me!
AND......I think my post got to its end! Good for you right?? I know the articles shouldnt be this long, but I couldn't help it! I enjoyed sharing with you my hobby and my way of relaxing! It's just one thing that describes me and it's part of me! Hope you got inspired! Thank you for your patience:)
Love, Miss Deli
P.S. The blue flowers on my dress!! I also made them too ! Hi-hi :p
I've checked out your post that has left me without words. So many amazing things created by hand! That workshop is absolutely amazing. I suppose time flies at a playground like that. I hope you could sell all those beauties at a good profit.
Thanks for linking me your post as would have never found it otherwise. 😍
This beautiful post has just given me another push to start drawing again, or have a go at watercolor painting. It's something I used to do in the past but with the constant rush, there's never enough time to allocate to this kind of creative activity. No worries, I have zero talent at both, this is why it is a lot of fun! I need to get better and start creating something fun :)
You're a real treasure Miss Deli 😘
Hey @erikah ! Thank you so much for your kind words, you're being to kind and sweet! Yeah, that workshop is something amazing we call "crafts" room like " Hai sa mergem la crafts". You can't even imagine how much stuff we have there, things we arent aware either lol 😅🤣
I'm so happy that I linked u this post then! Also you have giving me the push to start again making puzzles, which is something I really like and I have at home more than 10 puzzles from 1000-5000 peaces I bought to put together but I never did. So after I've read your post, I thought I could start that too, and make something that makes my heart and brain happy.
"No worries, I have zero talent at both, this is why it is a lot of fun!" you are funny and sweet in here! I really hope you make time for this, because life is passing way to fast and its so bad we dont find time to do those little things that makes us happy you know?
Hugs and kisses 😍
You're doing a great job @missdeli! i love your work
Thanks a lot! You're sweet! ::
wow, such a long post :D ! I ve never been good at hand made and crafting stuff, you should really be gifted haha
Btw, I have started a giveaway contest, you can check out my last post it takes 2 seconds to register for it. Big prize and small comeptition!'re right. I like to consider myself gifted with this beautiful ability of creating stuff.
Thank you for the info, I'll check it out:)
Love all the photos! I need to make more time to create art. Life is so hectic these days and now I just learned about Steem. What are the contests for?
Thank you @thewayisseeit!I bet crafting will be very relaxing for you too! The result in the end will warm your heart! This I participate in is a contest about health! It started 3 weeks ago and every week one challenge is "opened". You have to post an entry to this challenge on that specific request of the week. And right now, in the Week Three the participant had to submit an entry about how they de-stress. You can check the challenge at @healthsquared. You should join us in the Week Four. :)
Thank you! Maybe I will catch the next one. Keep up the beautiful posts.
You're very welcome! Thanks again and maybe I'll see you this next week!
Your baskets are awesome! Love that they are all healthful and aesthetically pleasing. STEEM is the perfect way to share your arts and crafts and get compensated for doing what you love
Thank you Jeff! I really love doing this baskets because of that healthy stuff. Best part of it is when I do one basket for someone and that someone come back to me and tell me " Wow. My friend started to question me about health and what about those products. Is it reallyhealthier this way? I should be more careful". I guess you understand the beauty of it! Also thanks for your encouragements :)
No problem, keep on STEEMin’ @missdeli, you’re doing amazing
Thank you!:p
Ce lucruri minunate faci!
Multumesc! Cred ca e la fel de corect sa spun "Facem"! You would do beautiful things too, if your time allows you!
It’s true creating is amazing for mental health.
Thank you very much and I'm happy you have the same opinion as I do about creating! I checked your profile! Where in BC do you live? I'll be in BC Canada soon! :p
I live in Chilliwack currently, but looking into relocating to the okanagan... will you be visiting or are you moving?
Just visiting for seven weeks. But guess what?? It's funny!! I'll be in Chilliwack too!!!! My cousins live there, and I'll stay at their place!! How crazy is that?:p
We should meet up for a coffee or something...a huge coincidence like that can’t be ignored
Yeah...It would be very pleasant! If dont move until I get there:P
Great work and lovely crafts! 👍
Thank you very much! and also congrats for your entries! They are also good! Keep it up!:)
Amazing art works by beautiful girl ! Great efforts dear !!
Thank you! Yes, it is an effort, but a sweet effort!:p
Keep going ! You have beautiful skill dear !
Thank you my friend!
Superb articolul! Apreciez foarte mult persoanele ca tine! :)
Hey , multumesc tare mult! Esti tare tare draguta! Te referi la crafts?
Dap, ador chestiile handmade și persoanele care au creativitate și răbdare să facă așa ceva :)
Multumesc! rabdare am, timp mai putin lately! :p
It is very relaxing to make crafts. My favorite part is to create new cards. I have to post some photos as well with my creations. Would be fun! However, you are so gifted and I enjoy to be together in the world of creativity!
me too! I love spending time with you crafting and talking. Actually, I miss it!:(
Ai pana si tevi si coturi de polipropilena in camera aia :D
Foarte, foarte tare sa faci atatea lucruri. Eu mi-am luat niste celule solare de cositorit prin septembrie si inca nu am terminat..
Abia acum am vazut commentul tau si cel mai bun raspuns ar fi cu urmatoarea intrebare, asa pe romaneste : "Ce nu exista in camera aia?" lol =)))))):D:D@alexdory daca mai esti pe aici pe undeva si vezi raspunsul meu e tare!! Mi-e dor de comunitatea noastra :D