I did the portrait of Yo-Landi Vi$$er[Die Antwoord.]

in #art7 years ago

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In case you don't know her, she's the lead singer for the South African rap band Die Antwoord. I hope you like the drawing!

Step by step

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Images that guarantee my authorship

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OK, THAT'S IT, what do I have to do to get you to sign up to Artopium? I think you're a freakin awesome artist and I LOVE DIE ANTWOORD, and I REALLY REALLY REALLY want you to put your artwork on the site. Then I can post it to my steemit page and i can get you some good SBD for your work. Not to mention LTC and USD too, ;)

Tell me more about it @artopium

What do you want to know? It's free to join. You get an account with a profile page just like most websites. You add art, music, fashion, video, and books for sale (or just to display), and I take a $0.50 + 8% commission. I use paypal to accept credit cards for your works and to pay you out. I can also send you a US money order. I'm currently working on a Litecoin shopping cart, so if you decide to accept LTC for your works than you will be paid in LTC too. I pay out as soon as everything is confirmed. I'm the owner, so let me know if I can help you get started.

More than that though, I want to promote you on Steemit as well. Once you sign up to Artopium, I will promote the works you put there on my Steemit page, and I split the profit on the rewards with you, but recently I've just been giving out the entire profit amount. It's a kind of symbiotic relationship; I scratch your back... yadda yadda. I'm trying to get new content on the site and as an incentive I'm going to try to get you some SBD right away.


I really like your art, and hope be like you.
if you do not mind, please visit and advise my art blog.

Interesting work. Espacially hair!!!

I love yo landi! Great representation of her. Good job!

I love yo-landi! Nice work on the portrait.

I love Yolandi Visser!!! Even my nickname was inspired by her <3

Hi, my name is Yo-Landi fokken Vi$$er
Fight, fight, fight!
Kick u in da teef! Hit u on da head wif da mic!
Dere's a rumble in da jungle I'm bubbling to da beat
I'm not looking for trouble but troublez looking for me