OK, THAT'S IT, what do I have to do to get you to sign up to Artopium? I think you're a freakin awesome artist and I LOVE DIE ANTWOORD, and I REALLY REALLY REALLY want you to put your artwork on the site. Then I can post it to my steemit page and i can get you some good SBD for your work. Not to mention LTC and USD too, ;)
What do you want to know? It's free to join. You get an account with a profile page just like most websites. You add art, music, fashion, video, and books for sale (or just to display), and I take a $0.50 + 8% commission. I use paypal to accept credit cards for your works and to pay you out. I can also send you a US money order. I'm currently working on a Litecoin shopping cart, so if you decide to accept LTC for your works than you will be paid in LTC too. I pay out as soon as everything is confirmed. I'm the owner, so let me know if I can help you get started.
More than that though, I want to promote you on Steemit as well. Once you sign up to Artopium, I will promote the works you put there on my Steemit page, and I split the profit on the rewards with you, but recently I've just been giving out the entire profit amount. It's a kind of symbiotic relationship; I scratch your back... yadda yadda. I'm trying to get new content on the site and as an incentive I'm going to try to get you some SBD right away.
Hi, my name is Yo-Landi fokken Vi$$er
Fight, fight, fight!
Kick u in da teef! Hit u on da head wif da mic!
Dere's a rumble in da jungle I'm bubbling to da beat
I'm not looking for trouble but troublez looking for me
OK, THAT'S IT, what do I have to do to get you to sign up to Artopium? I think you're a freakin awesome artist and I LOVE DIE ANTWOORD, and I REALLY REALLY REALLY want you to put your artwork on the site. Then I can post it to my steemit page and i can get you some good SBD for your work. Not to mention LTC and USD too, ;)
Tell me more about it @artopium
What do you want to know? It's free to join. You get an account with a profile page just like most websites. You add art, music, fashion, video, and books for sale (or just to display), and I take a $0.50 + 8% commission. I use paypal to accept credit cards for your works and to pay you out. I can also send you a US money order. I'm currently working on a Litecoin shopping cart, so if you decide to accept LTC for your works than you will be paid in LTC too. I pay out as soon as everything is confirmed. I'm the owner, so let me know if I can help you get started.
More than that though, I want to promote you on Steemit as well. Once you sign up to Artopium, I will promote the works you put there on my Steemit page, and I split the profit on the rewards with you, but recently I've just been giving out the entire profit amount. It's a kind of symbiotic relationship; I scratch your back... yadda yadda. I'm trying to get new content on the site and as an incentive I'm going to try to get you some SBD right away.
Visit Artopium.com
Then sign up. :)
I really like your art, and hope be like you.
if you do not mind, please visit and advise my art blog.
Interesting work. Espacially hair!!!
I love yo landi! Great representation of her. Good job!
I love yo-landi! Nice work on the portrait.
I love Yolandi Visser!!! Even my nickname was inspired by her <3
Hi, my name is Yo-Landi fokken Vi$$er
Fight, fight, fight!
Kick u in da teef! Hit u on da head wif da mic!
Dere's a rumble in da jungle I'm bubbling to da beat
I'm not looking for trouble but troublez looking for me