WHISPER Gallery I: New Curation Initiative for Artists and Creatives
I am starting a new initiative called Whisper on Monday. If any of you know of the game Chinese Whispers AKA Telephone, this is a take on that.
Chinese Whispers or Telephone
This is a common children's game where theres a line or circle formed of people. One person has a piece of verbal information (usually one phrase) that they take and whisper it into the person's ear next to them. The circle of people go around whispering the phrases they hear around in a circle until the very end. Then the original and the end results are compared. Usually errors occur and the original phrase gets altered to a state that's comical.
What is Whisper?
To create a chain of artistic creations that are initiated by a seed idea/art piece (one piece of artwork inspires the next piece, and so on).
[Imagine the interpretations based on interpretations not limited to any artistic genre (painting, animation, architecture, film, music, photography, dance). A painted portrait could be interpreted into a building by an architect, then into a shoe by a shoe designer, etc. The interpretations can transcend art and connect people.]
Please excuse the extremely rough drawings in the following example.

The Cycle for Gallery I
The way it goes:
Seed will be chosen or written by someone in the Steemit Community.
Artist I creates a piece of art in whatever style that artist chooses that is inspired by the Seed.
Artist II creates a piece of art in whatever style that artist chooses that is inspired by Artist I's piece.

So with this, we get a chain of creativity, inspiration, and building the curation trail with it.
For Gallery I, we're looking at 15 candidates ideally. We have several signed up already, so the more interest and support from artists the better.
Artists in Gallery I
As an artist in Whisper Gallery I, we will expect a writeup of a few paragraphs describing the process or inspiration elements you chose and why. You will have 6 full days to complete the piece.
Weekly Curation Report
We will be writing up a weekly curation report highlighting what the artist of the week created and talked more about their process. We will also introduce the artist who will be creating the next weeks piece.
Participants of Whisper Gallery I will be eligible for a @sndbox up-vote as well as support from many of the successful Artists and Steemians on the chain.

Helping Build an Art Community
We want to collectively build an art community. This is a great way to connect us, support each other through up-votes, comments, and follows. Steemit can be a slow-growing platform for creatives starting out, and the future goal is to roll this into a community event where people can be perpetually submitting to the chain.
How do I sign up?
To sign up for this chain, please fill out the form below.
Go to the form

Good job
@kouhei-gahaku. I look forward to having you be a part of Whisper!
Super exciting project @mrblinddraw! Looking forward to seeing the art and creativity being "whispered" down the blockchain :)
Thank you! @sndbox We're looking to grow together. I like that, "Whispered down the blockchain."
cool! i'm in!! :)
nice photography that is
thew art design is really very well
stay with it
best wish for you
also good like your lovely job.thanks for sharing with us.best of luck!
idea is good but what about Rewards?
There will be good rewards. @w11 both the trail and the up votes of a few particular individuals will make it at least worth it for the artists :)
postingang very nice friends, please visit my blog
goodwork @mrblinddraw resteemed
Thank you! hopefully some of the artists will come out and want to have a try at whisper! #whisper @mtahirkhan.
It sounds very intriguing! I can't wait))) Resteemed
I look forward to seeing what you create! You are exceptionally skilled and will probably blow this thing out of the park! @aksinya
nice art that is
this photography is being well
good activity..........
Thank you! We're going to have all types of artists involved, and definitely some photographs I hope! @iqbalhossin.
Good job carry on @mrblinddraw
Thank you! Please resteem so all of the artists you know will be a part of this! @mizanrahman
Yeah sure why not ...im waiting for ur upcoming post..im new here i want ur little bit support in ur bottom of heart ...thank you so much dear @mrblinddraw
A very good work here.... Keep it up bro
Thank you! hopefully many more people will make this thing a steemit Gallery of excellence. @dickiebash
Lol, that made me smile, we were playing too, yet we are too young to know where it's originated. Sounds fun looking forward to see the first chain.
@oups, it's amazingly effective to show how things get communicated throughout time! I look forward to showing you the first post!
I'm curious, so I signed up! <3
@soyrosa, I love your work. Let's figure out a good place now! I will be emailing everyone soon.
I would love to join .. I will sign up .
I am happy you joined, I will email everyone shortly to see what we can do and placements @offgridlife.
Hey brother this is really a great idea, I wish you all the success in the world with this! And thank you for reaching out! I will be following your blog diligently @mrblinddraw
fantastic idea!I just caught this post while reading over @jschindler's shoulder (it was resteemed by @djlethalskillz), and I agree it is a
I am also following you now, @mrblinddraw, to see what unfolds.
Thanks for following @enternamehere. By the way love the name. I am happy you are now checking out the post and hope to get a lot of great people together for this.
@jankasparec, thanks man! Your work is exceptional. Hopefully in the near future you will be a featured artist in one of our Steemit Galleries. Thank you for supporting the initiative and I look forward to seeing what comes of it as well!
Cheering for you!
Great idea! Love to see it in play!
@twirble. I am excited for that as well. With so many skilled artists we're going to start a revolution! I hope you've signed up!
Hi @bharatnishad, do you do art?
Great initiative to bridge different art elements and connect community members, i would def support and love to take part. I checked the link provided all good until it asks for the link to my work,maybe i missed something appreciate if u can advise. Kudos once again on the initiative! Salute
Hi @djlethalskillz, Thank you! I will check on your submission. I don't see why music can't be considered something as a creative I feel it's exactly relevant. I look forward to how this unfolds!
likewise mah man! looking forward for the Monday Seed, Kudos on a great initiative once again! Salute
intresting post.
@bholapuri, thank you. In what way do you find it interesting? :)
Great initiative! I cant wait for the process to unfold to see how this game turns out with artwork. It's got so much potential to let artwork go many different ways and also for collaborations. I'm signing up!
Thank you @manouche! Your work is great by the way! I appreciate the support on this! :)
The appreciation is mutual :) Looking forward to more!
Feel that wonderful things will happen @mrblinddraw! Resteemed.
@adrianv, thank you! You have incredible art by the way. :) Thank you also for the esteem and supporting all of the artists thus far.
can't wait, this will be a lot of fun!
Hi @natureofbeing! Thanks for being a part and supporting this initiative.
Wow, this is a really cool initiative... I'm glad more artistic/creative things like this are happening on Steemit. Keeping my eye on this!
Thank you @denmarkguy, I appreciate the support. We need as many eyes as we can get, and good ones at that. Hope you enjoy it as it begins to unfold.
This is an interesting project. I'm looking forward to seeing the first round of results.
@olyup Thank you! Keep your eyes peeled, the whisper will begin to unravel!
Great initiatives, resteemed this.
Thank you! @theia7, I really appreciate the support and I know the artists do.
I love this! I am signing up! :) hopefully there still is a place in Gallery 1 else I'd be keen on joining any gallery after that.
These kind of initiative are exactly what I've been looking for in steemit!
Hi @wolv, I really appreciate that.
We have filled up as of now for Whisper Gallery I. I have a sign-up for those who want to be a part of gallery two starting in June. Your work is really awesome, I really like the Robot Contest entry you just did.
I figured as much :) I filled in the form and hopefully will join you guys for Gallery 2 looking forward to be a part of it :)
Thank you very much for checking out my work! that means a lot to me
Great idea! This is the Glass Bead Game in steemit!
I'm in!
I guess I wil l not be able to join this chain as I am so busy with other art; maybe in the future:) Great Idea I cannot wait to see what happens:)