Finally getting around to uploading my photos from the 16th annual chalk art festival in Denver, Colorado. June 1-4. Its the 13th already?
Check it out!
We parked way up close to the capitol building. The People's Fair was also going on and I thought the chalk art was going to be happening down the 16th street mall! As in, close togther, these two. Nope. We walked a long way down almost the entire mall to get to the festival on historic Larimer Street. The mall shuttles were running but my very long legged son prefers to walk. So we did. Although the rest of the party DID give in on the way back to a few blocks of trying out the new shuttle busses (and catching our breath!).
This was the first one!
It has special significance for me, this image. I was surprised to see it. My son is the Tiger - it is his Chinese Astrological symbol. I am a snake, by the way (it figures, huh)? A wood snake. Born in 1965.
So right away we got in the touring line around the drawings. I spoke to the first artist I ran across who looked up and seemed open to a conversation ... most of the artists were buried in their work, also a little bit shy? She shared some great details with me. For her drawing, they started with a base of black tempera paint and then drew over this, to color the rest in over the next few days. We got there on Sunday June 3 and these are close to completion, keep in mind they started on Friday morning, June 1. So it takes a team, pretty much to make this happen. June 4 was the deadline for completed works and judging for prizes.
I'm posting these in order as I encountered them.
Most of them were unfinished, works in progress.
This one was the one with the artist that I spoke to at length. Her drawing was of special interest to me, given the planets (I am a skywatcher, bigtime... between astronomy, astrology at night and also watching the daytime skies for anomalies and UFO's).
She said that they added the pineapple curtains at the end, it wasn't in the original plan. Spontaneous genius at work!
Cats? I think...
Long view down the first set of artists, this was looking north:
I captured these next two mainly because I was so amazed at how the chalk looked so shiny and metallic! Quite dynamic for chalk art, I thought.
Most of the faces were spectacular, the expressions and attention to detail.
A young Frank Sinatra, right?
Fairy girl.
This was one of my favorites.
I took a LOT of photos. What is posted here is less than half of what I captured and even what I downloaded from my camera to share.
More amazing faces!
Another look down the row of works, the second pool of artists.
Strange Moon.
Rainbow Trout!
A closer look at that last one and all of her symbolic glory.
There was more to this one, I snapped the photos in parts. I see I only downloaded this one though.
It was really really COOL, seeing all of this amazing chalk art.
Uranus just went into the sign of Taurus and I've heard that the influence is art and beauty. Of course - Taurus. I've noticed my own inspiration to start doing some art again. I bought myself a sketchbook and a few supplies but I have yet to get started (garden chores are still piling up, ha ha). But looking at these, I was so inspired!! I would love to get a team of artists together and participate in this event someday ... the whole time I was looking at the process I just kept thinking how much fun it would be.
Namaste, Steemit.
LR 6/13/2018
Wow. Wow x 1000.
Yep... it was so cool!
Can you believe I’ve never seen chalk art in person? This looks soooo pretty!
I think this is the first time I've seen it in such quantity! Other than that, I remember chalk from childhood, drawing hopscotch grids on the sidewalk. :)
painting is very good, creative likes to in pang
Such colourful art . Loved every bit of it 😊