We proceed to decorating with fabric. (2 part)
I used 5 colors of the same fabric.
*To prepare our fabric upholstery, first make a model sketch on a paper. Then we move the drawing to the paper for patterns (I use wallpaper for this purposes:), Cut out the parts of the pattern.
*Transfer the pattern on the fabric. Consider the gateways! Cut the details out.
*Refer to the pattern and the scheme when sewing the details together. Hem.
*After you have assembled all the details, iron the seams and glue with an iron the flizelin on inside of the fabric to harden it.
- Fix the details with the pins to the wooden frame. The lowest part which goes to the floor remains not fixed!
*When the fabric is fixed, hide the pins and uneven edges under the satin ribbon using the hot glue.
*Now it remains to make the curtains. String them on the folded in 6 layers (or your version) thread. Tie it to the self-tapping screws and tighten. Make supporters for curtains out of the remaining satin ribbon.
It is easy to fold and arrange! And with the help of supports you can deploy it completely!
............. Voilà! Done! :).............