"Free To Be" Sketch by @nathanjtaylor
The Fight For Freedom
Understand that everything good in this world will be attacked. Look at nature, everything must fight to exist. Our body is constantly being attacked by germs, viruses and parasites. Our mind is attacked by negativity, lies and propaganda. And our souls are bombarded with the evil of this world. So we must fight. Fight to protect our body, mind and soul. Self preservation is right of all living entities.
Page from Holy Spirit Meditation Drawings: A Coloring Book For Everyone by @nathanjtaylor
You were born in a war of good and evil. Do not be seduced by ideas of moral flexibility. There is right and there is wrong, regardless of what government or religious institutions may do and say. There is more to reality than the physical and material, there is a spiritual element to everything. If you are not spiritually equipped you will not have the tools to fight in this world and you are in danger of slipping into depression, despair and disease. Put on the full armor of God, we need it now more than ever. I feel humanity breaking out of its chains, and beginning to stand up, next comes the fight for freedom. Yes it is an Info War, It was famously said thousands of years ago: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - Jesus
Most High Minded
Gilded Pure Silver Leaf artwork
By @nathanjtaylor
Follow @nathanjtaylor for more art and inspiration
love the diversity of this post
Great stuff
Thank you @crastty32
I definitely resonate with your words. I too believe we live in exciting times as we have the power to unite with others around the world in ways like never before. Onward and upward! Following ya now.
Absolutely! Thanks for your comment and follow, be well, peace! @foodisfree
Very lovely art very great work nice post
Thank you!
This is a beautiful post. I love the sketch. Your words are inspiring for the fight. Love ALL of your work.
Thank you! @skyedawn I really appreciate your comments!