New work: Kali Yantra Mosaic, The Goddess of Transformation

in #art7 years ago

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A month or so ago I started posting sneak peaks into my a new collection of Mandala and Yantra mosaics that I'm developing. If you've read any of my previous posts you know that I'm a ceramic artist specializing in tile and this has been my livelihood for about 25 years.

Most of my work over the years has been commissioned, but during the last decade I more and more seem to be creating collections of tile designs that can be reproduced, what I call "production tile". There are notable advantages to creating production work - it's not as creatively or physically demanding since I design it once and then my team can help me make it again and again, also the price point is lower for the customer and lastly, it's safer for a customer to point to what they want rather than to hire me to create something specific for them. All in all, I've found that I like a certain amount of production work in my creative life for the above reasons but also because the meditative quality of these tasks allows my mind to rest and they are fertile times for new ideas to bubble up. If you're interested in seeing more of my work, here is another one of my production collections:

This new collection of Mandalas is particularly exciting for me and my team since it requires the discipline of working with ancient and powerful geometries and using mantra as we work. We love the effect of this work within our own personal development, plus knowing that a richly beneficial energy will be experienced by anyone in the presence of these Mandalas makes the whole endeavor so much better.

A yantra is a type of mandala, and in Sanskrit literally means a tool for self-realization. It is a kind of map of the self and a transcript of the universe. If you would like more information about Yantras and the Sri Yantra, see my post from last fall, and last week on the DURGA YANTRA.

KALI, the Goddess of Transformation brings the courage to overcome all fears. Transforming the ignorance of fears into the light of truth, Kali destroys that which is not true for you, allowing your new reality to reveal itself to you.

(description by Sarah Tomlinson)

As with all Yantras, the geometry is very exacting and has to be executed using a very specific method. Below is the KALI Yantra drawing along with the palette I was working out for this piece:
drawing sf.jpg

Before making this Yantra all my associations with Kali were hearsay and I thought of her as a sort of scary energy associated with death, blood, pain, and destruction. But in making this Yantra I discovered how yes she is hugely powerful, but always for your benefit! Sometimes old habits, ways of thinking need to be destroyed and fears need to be faced, but the rich process and the sweet results were altogether a pleasant surprise.

Here it is cut in clay. The different shades of gray are the clay in various stages of drying:
cut in clay sf.jpeg

My intention for my process of working with this Yantra was to transform my relationship with money, with earning, with prosperity. And sure enough I began to see my limited self-worth and the underlying helplessness I've always felt but honestly hadn't really seen. Somehow despite working my ass off since I was 11, I've never felt that I had much of a say in whether I made money or not, that it wasn't in my control. I didn't feel powerful enough to affect this part of my life and this has bred a palpable despair around my finances.

Not only did I see all of this, but I was able to shed much of it and get glimpses what it feels like to be free of this difficulty. I'm still in the process of this and am likely to be for awhile, but there is a new kind of enjoyment and empowerment I feel within my relationship to money and making money and this makes all the difference.

I took the liberty of adding flowers to the imagery of this Yantra because firstly I love carving and making 3/d leaves and flowers and secondly because the process of making and carving these made feel more tangibly my appreciation for the gifts of this Yantra's energy.

May Kali bring you her gifts with sweetness and power!

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Many thanks for supporting my blog and as always I love your comments! Stay tuned for a Sri Yantra this coming week.


Upvoted of course :)
I just uploaded a blog of my trip to Mauritius and a outing with dolphins :)
If anyone could support with a Resteem and Upvote that would be very appreciated ;)

thanks for your support @ottostephens!

Beautiful work as always @natureofbeing! :) I adore the color combinations.. <3

How kind of you, thanks!! I have to admit that this color combo was tricky and took awhile to get right. I had to remake the flowers because I first glazed them red and it just didn't look right.

My pleasure! :) I think the end result is super harmonious, fresh and warm <3 I always have a hard time with color combos myself, usually ends up being a lot of trial and error.. There are just so many colors to choose from! :) heheh..

great to hear I'm not alone in the tons of trial and error! Yes, so many colors :-)

and many thanks for the resteem :-))))

Kali means the one who removes all the darkness in one's life. Kali is the wife of Lord Shiva. Worshipping Kali removes all the bad effects of some astrological planets , hidden eniemies are destroyed and you get protected from evil. Jai Maa Kali

very cool, I didn't know about removing the bad effects of some astrological planets! Each time I hear of Kali I learn more about this amazing goddess and your words here give me a little more, thanks!

Welcome sir. Jai maa kali

Good post 👍👍
Nice collections

Beautiful work, thank you for sharing your creative process.

Thanks so much and it's my pleasure!

Great piece of work. peace

peace to you too and many thanks ;-)

These get more and more gorgeous. There is something intriguing to me about the unfired clay version. I had previously read about the negative aspects of Kali as well. It's very interesting to think of her energy is transformative instead of just destructive. I've felt her power in my life a lot lately! A really wonderful post, Ruth.

Kali seems to have a bad rap and I'm glad to dispel the mistaken mythology about her! I"m so glad to hear how these yantras strike you....the raw clay is pretty amazing isn't it, I love that stage as well and it shows the geometry without color delineation. In the next few days I'll be posting my large Gingko carved piece in its raw clay state which I think is really beautiful, I'll be curious if it rings for you too.

also, thanks so much for the always makes such a difference!

Amazing art and craftsmanship.

thanks so much @carrotcake, I'm so glad to have your feedback!

I love your posts. a very unique talent.

so great to hear it, thanks so very much for your support!

Yes you're welcome. Hoping to have more learnings to share with..

I love learning about other spiritualities and religions, Kali is one of my favourites <3 Beautiful!

thanks so much @rainbowcake, glad to hear it! I have a Sri Yantra up next :-)

Oh I'm in love, this is truly divine!
The orange glazed tile (second picture bottom tile) is a wonderful shade, is that the glaze you used in the flowers centre? That is a magnificent colour!

So great to hear your feedback @opheliafu, thank you! That orangey-red is used in the very center of the yantra, the circular "bindu".

sweet mandala mate

WOW - I have always loved ceramics and pottery - I have never gotten to much into it but have definitely tried my artistic hand and taken a few classes for fun as an introduction to the artform. Your work is absolutely beautiful. First i LOVE LOVE LOVE madalas and I think yours i gorgeous. I love how you incorporated things to represent such a specific concept. Great work - I will be following and look forward to seeing more! :)

Thanks so much @j-vo, your comment is so heartening! Ceramics is so easy to love, isn't it....

hey @natureofbeing! your work is really beautiful. It has to do with sacred geometry right?
and of course I have upvoted it.

thanks @ks10, yes a very ancient and powerful geometry...take a look the previous post links in the writing and you can learn more about yantras if you're interested.

hi i am a yoga teacher and a musician based in saint paul de vence in france. Very impressed by your work . And excited that you are working on sri yantra next. saint paul de vence is a special village in the shape of a shri yantra on the cote d azur. Magic permeates its spirit. u must visit it once.

wow, so amazing to live in a town in the shape of a Sri Yantra!!! thanks for telling me about it, I'll add it to my list of places to visit as well as look it up online. thanks for your support too, great to meet you!

Simply beautiful, as always :D

Beautiful work! And it's amazing how much meaning and energy is put into such art. I'm awed!

What a beauty! I think I like this one more than the previous one because it has this deep amazing blue I totally dig! :D Congrats! -once more ;)

great to hear it, it's not as obvious as the others so I appreciate your choosing it as your favorite!

Wow!!! I'm sorry I missed this one when the post was in it's first 7 days. I have still upvoted to help with the number of votes. Have you completed your whole series now?

Thank you!! The series will be on-going and I'm imagining that we'll continue to add more and more over the years, but we have these 3 to start with and this week will have the next 4 complete and I'll post. I'm LOVING doing this work and hope it takes off so we can do lots more of it.

I recently saw a rectangular shaped mirror that was set in a metal frame and in the metal frame, it had smaller tiles set as a border all the way around it. Each tile was a different geometric pattern but all the colours used in each of the tiles complemented one another. I would say that each tile was 3 inches x 3 inches. It made me think of this project of yours and how a person could display your art if they didn't want to re-tile a wall in their kitchen or bathroom...essentially each of your Yantra Mosaics could be individually framed and hung in a room like a picture. I think that your art is just beautiful. It makes me feel happy when I look at these tiles. ;)

Firstly, thank you for thinking of this and taking the time to write it out!! Secondly, all of these yantras will be framed or are already framed... we have a woodworker friend who creates these simple and contemporary white frames that complement but don't overpower the piece. Below I'll post a photo of a frame on another piece. Also, I really love knowing that my work makes you feel happy - kind of makes my day actually :-)))) - spreads that good kindness mojo we've been talking about.

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this way, they hang like a painting

Very good! I like this a lot. It's very elegant and sets off your art nicely without competing with it.