
Wow! This is what you do? Amazing! You are right, if the client wants you to put your name on it, they need to respect the semblance of perspective you want to respect to have harmonious proportions. No one created a great piece of Art Deco by throwing the golden rule out the window. Good for you for speaking up diplomatically, it is the harsh reality that rich costumers have to be educated a fair bit.

Thank you @edouard yes it is my job and has been for a few decades. Amazing that still after all these years I have a hard time asserting my own artistic vision with commissions, thanks for your encouragement

You make it look easy!

This whole process is fascinating, and very impressive indeed. All the parts that have to go into the final, huge installation kind of boggles the mind. You have a lot of talent, that's for sure.

And I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to have all the outside 'tinkering' coming at you, particularly once it's moving forward. Which I suppose is good, in one respect. They love what you are doing, and want it to keep getting larger and more involved. Beats the opposite scenario.

Nice you can use your expertise and well-honed people skills to convince them otherwise. After all, it is your art as well as their pool. Great to be able to convince them to stick to your thoughts, since you ARE the artist. And truly know more about perspective and final result than most everyone involved.

Seeing it at scale is kind of awe-inspiring. I saw your original drawings in previous post(s), and thought they were pretty incredible at such scale. But seeing the transfer to the final area of life is really fascinating and fun. And it still looks like it should, when laid down! Imagine that ( :
(You can tell I'm not much of an artist..)
I look forward to following to the end result. Maybe you can bring a snorkel and mask and take some downward snaps from inside the pool when all done. Wouldn't that be fun...

Such a delightful comment dripping with insight @ddschteinn, sorry it took me so long to respond!!
The client has to live with the piece and are forking out no small amount of money so I feel a huge responsibility to make something awesome for them. Then get so distraught imagining it turning out terribly due to poor decisions on their part and poor communication/diplomacy on mine. Thankfully this time it's now moving forward in a good way with all parties satisfied.

It was so great to meet you last Saturday, thanks so much for taking a look at my work and I will do my best get in that pool with a snorkel and a waterproof camera. Maybe if I just show in up in my swimsuit to one of our meetings they'll have to let me!

Beautiful work! Well done for sticking to your guns in this situation - I think artistic integrity is hugely important, and ultimately will lead to more respectful clients that are attracted to the authenticity of your work - the kind of clients that will keep you enjoying your work :)

I couldn't have possibly said it better myself, whew, love how you worded this :-))) thank you!

The process you go through is fascinating. So much work to get it perfect. Tough to balance wants of the client vs the art.

Thanks @jfolkmann and yes indeed tough balance some days! Thanks for your support!

"But this is exactly when I need to gather my confidence and speak up for my own vision instead of sinking."

This is exactly what I what I was going to suggest but it looks like you done just fine on your own! I've had to do this a number of times being in a supervisory position and just in life in general. This is where tact, common sense and good judgement comes in to play.

Well done! I always look forward to seeing your work as I am envious of your talent. I actually tried to sell my sister on lining her fireplace with your special tiles and designs. It was hard to do over the phone, even with sending her pictures of your work. I will see her this coming Sunday and work on her some more;)

Oh just FYI, when I clicked on the link for how to order (on the other post you published), it's giving me an error and won't let me access anything. I'm not sure if the problem is on my end or what but I thought that I would at least mention it to you.

Hi @bluelightbandit, thanks for your always wonderful comments and thoughts! thanks for trying to sell my work to your sister, show her the website for my other tile work too, it sometimes helps someone to understand they are working with an artist

Regarding the site, I think you must have been looking when I was changing my inventory yesterday!! I just looked and it seems to be working ok but if you still have trouble I'll call my web pro and have him take a look.

Be well and again, great to see your comment in my feed

You're more than welcome and as soon as I see my mother-in-law, I will show her your work as well. They both have very nice houses with exquisite taste so your artwork is very fitting for their homes.

I just went back and checked the link that I mentioned had issues and all is good now, I was able to navigate through the site just fine.

I told you a fib the other day when I said that I would see my sister this Sunday. It will actually be next Sunday when we get together but nevertheless, I will definitely be bragging on your artwork to her :)

This is so so beautiful.
And the way you made a video of the fixing.
You're really talented Ruth, those drawings are a work of pure art.

Wow, amazing work. I feel your pain so much about the clients and their ideas. That is the reason I quit the idea of being a graphic designer, even though it is what I graduated. Can imagine the struggle when it comes to something so massive and complicated. Fingers crosses they listen to your professional advice and you hold on to inspiration :)

Thanks @gabchik, yes graphic designers have to navigate this sort of thing all the time don't they!!! And by the way, they did listen :-) and did so with appreciation

WoW is an extraordinary work! I admire you.

thank you fellow artist @artizm!

Masterpiece! I really admire your artistic skills and this is my first time, since following you, of knowing you possess such rare skills.

I'm not sure they "saw" what I was saying, but they believed me and gave me the go ahead without further adjustments which was a relief.

Yes, it does happen in every profession when people who knows next to nothing would want to dictate to you on how things should be done. However, your willingness to stand your ground and prove everyone wrong, is one quality that's common among geniuses.

This is so natural... So good

@eurogee of @euronation community

It does indeed happen in every profession doesn't it! I sometimes think my problem is that I need more confidence in my creative vision and this problem wouldn't arise. All in good time. Thanks for your support!

Welcome my friend @natureofbeing

A very beautiful and impressive project, someties it can be difficult to allow others a free-reign on crestive projects, looks like your lcients arei n safe hands.

thank you :-)))

I cannot wait to see this finished and the piece in the pool is amazing!

Dealing with clients is always interesting. Holding what you have as your style and also understanding some of the basics of design and artisitic rules, but also letting the client have their voice. In big pieces like this I am sure it is even more important to let the client have a voice because it is, in a way, their piece too. And I think a smart artists, such as you, sees that and walks the line of diplomacy well.

When I ran a flower shop and wedding business I used to love to have the consulatations with the brides and plan out their day. It was fun to get from them and idea of what their style was, when they didn't even know, and then suggest things from your own wheelhouse that would suit them.

These type of collaberations always make art better, I feel. However, as I am more like to hide away, I don't get these interactions as much anymore, but that is a good thing sometimes!

I love these posts from your studio!

Hi @donnadavisart,
I generally have a fairly humble approach to commissions after all the client is the one who is paying for it and has to live with it but this often gets me into trouble and this post shows it. I often think that if I approached the project with more creative confidence, the client simply won't question me! I'm getting better and better about this and navigating making a piece that they love and that I can live with.

And I agree, commissions offer great challenge and reward! However, these days I'm dying to just make some of my own stuff! Soon........ :-))

Thanks for your support and always insightful comments

It is a wonderful job, it is the result of a work that is done with passion. I had never seen how this work was done in detail, thank you for giving me a vision of this ;)

So cool! In this accelerated video it seems that the work is going very easily and quickly. But in fact, there is so much painstaking work. It's great to see your project come to life! I congratulate you on your hard work!

thanks @anna-mi, isn't that video fun! And yes it was a lot of work for those guys to install the piece.

It is always a challenge when you work with clients no matter what sort of many of them have their ideas and their thought how they imagine it, but at the end you as an artist know exactly if this work out well or not, it is a hard and diplomatic job to bring it to clients but you know it better then me you are doing it for while. The video is amazing, you can see that those guy had a big sign of relief after they finished their job :)

lol, so true on both counts, thanks for your support!

Wow! What an incredible job you have. I'm so glad you were able to speak up and you client trusted you enough to go with your vision for the piece. There's nothing worse than working on something you're not happy with from the outset.

I loved watching the video and seeing how all the bits on the boards got slowly added to the mosaic. I've never seem such a large mosaic being laid before so thanks for the insight.

I've not seen work with clay before either. Will you be glazing that so in effect, you are making your own individual tiles?

I'm looking forward to following the process along so that question will get answered anyway at some point. I just have to be patient. 😊

Indeed I do have an amazing job and you're so right about how terrible it is to work on something my heart isn't in! I've done it and regretted it everyday I had to do it.

Isn't that video fun, I loved seeing it too!

I made all of these tiles and they will all be glazed. Thanks for supporting my process and for your comments!

you are doing your job nicely. this is really nice. a woman who does her job with love. You are doing great work.

Greetings @natureofbeing

You've been invited to the iTalnet contest/initiative

If you wish to enroll the contest, the auditions started today 1'st of March and will last until 5'th of March read more in the link below, the contest has a new voting system where artists/performers vote between themselves (no judges / no upvote count / no nominatios) only contestants vote counts.

Please read the rules of the contest prior to enrollment, thank you

thank you for the invitation, I'll take a look!

the work is beautiful and very professioanl, im glad for that sucess , could you tell me the secret of all thoese upvots thats really impressive , im having a hard start i need some encouragment and i belive in this beautiful community

Thanks and the secret to success on steemit is written about in posts all the time - firstly make very good quality posts even if they earn zero. Use original content about something you really have to offer and be sure to include either your own photos or give full credit to whoever took the photos. Also very important is to find other bloggers who's work you genuinely like and to read other's posts in earnest and comment sincerely. That's how I've made my best friends because we discover our kindred spirits this way.
Joining groups is very helpful too and there are many to choose from! Look at tags to find current posts on subjects you are interested in and look at the groups those bloggers are a part of to find your people.

And keep with it! I made less than 10 cents for many many posts but I've been posting for 21 months now. Expect it to take 3-6 months to find your place here and make some good connections.

Best of luck!

also, keep in mind this isn't facebook nor instagram. It's a blogging platform so write a story! A single photo with a few words isn't ever going to get my vote.