Hahaha, yes pieces of non-fireproof tile could indeed pop off the walls of the fireplace! Hadn't ever quite imagined it quite as I did while reading your comment.
Yes I completely understand what you're saying about teaching taking everything you have, I felt that way about it too. Creativity has flowed abundantly and easily for me for many years now so it's ok with me to step back a little. In fact I'm liking the gentle existence for awhile! And the good news is that now I am actually starting to feel something stirring in me again and a desire to make stuff. I wish I had a potter's wheel still and have been craving making vessels and sitting behind whirring clay but they are very expensive. Wish I hadn't sold mine, but hmmmm....maybe I'll do a steemit fundraiser to get one!!
So where are you from originally @ddschteinn? And when did you give up teaching and what did you teach and to whom?