Ah that explains why I haven't seen much of your work! Glad you're back and fully IN, I agree that the writing AND art make posting enjoyable and rich.
Glad our paths have crossed and I look forward to seeing your wave series - I love waves!
Ah that explains why I haven't seen much of your work! Glad you're back and fully IN, I agree that the writing AND art make posting enjoyable and rich.
Glad our paths have crossed and I look forward to seeing your wave series - I love waves!
Yeah, its kind of funny when I look at my "join date". Makes me think, "I should have been doing this a long time ago!". But sometimes the timing just isn't right. And sometime you just finally grab hold of courage and say "today is the day!" : )
Yes I agree, timing is somewhat mysterious and it has to be in alignment. Just glad that you found your way back here.