So, recently I was thinking it would be fun to make tutorials for my tiny, tiny Youtube Channel (I have seven subscribers and four of them are family, but it’s fun so…). Then it occurred to me that I’d never be able to enjoy doing something that I already knew how to do and didn’t need to practice at all, so then I figured, instead of making tutorials just for my three loyal subs, I would make them for me and practice techniques I wasn’t good at. Chances are, if I struggle with something, other people could do with some help too.
So, that was the idea for my Gibbering Mouther. I got the design from the Dungeons and Dragons monster manual and it worked brilliantly (if I do say so myself). I got to make so many mouths and eyes and feel like I’m better at both already, so I thought I would share what I learned:
- When putting teeth on a miniature, put them on the outside and build the gums around them as it helps to keep them straight and set them in.
- If making a compression for the eyeball (which you should), make one for the pupil (seems obvious but it wasn’t to me until editing the video).
- It worked well to marble four different colours of clay (pinks and reds) to make the gross fleshy blob it became.
- It doesn’t matter what society says, gross flesh monstrosities with too many orifices are cool:)
Also find me on
Deviantart: Instagram:
I share a lot of my work on line so check those out if you’re interested, or you could still test to make sure the links work for me, please, thanks.
In the mean time Happy Halloween:))