Is an odd looking image.
It came to us directly from an odd state of mind contained within my brain.
If you would prefer to see it upside down, I've included a mechanism that allows the viewer to see it upside down and right-side up simultaneously.
I'm not sure why I chose those colors, nor do I know what I was thinking when I produced that strange piece of work. I'm not even certain I was finished. Simply abandoned at the right time.
I've made a few others with this effect. They hurt my brain. I've made many attempts, I've scrapped a few. Here are some other examples of this type of work I don't have a name for yet.

If I'm not mistaken, this one above was one of my first attempts at this style. There might be more though. I've produced many images in the past almost two years and it's hard to keep track of everything.
Fun Fact: I produced Everyone sometime around the middle of May, 2017. Long before "crypto-art" was the big craze.
Story Time!
A quick one before I go.
This morning, while I was finishing up my latest creation known as Under the Influence of the Few Influential, a bird hit the window behind me. A robin, to be precise.
The sound made me jump, but I survived the shock.
I looked around, I saw the bird. It wasn't moving.
So, I decided to dig a hole. Funeral time.
There's a flower pot here, with no flowers. I thought that would be the perfect place to dig a grave with my little flower pot shovel thing, and I got to work.
Then, I looked over and noticed the cat. It was too late though. The cat was running away, bird in mouth, doing the proud kitty walk; I thought the funeral was over.
I'm still watching the cat try to decide where to go with this bird. Suddenly, the wings start flapping, the cat freaks out and drops the bird, then the bird flew away. Not in much of a straight line though. All over the place. The bird appeared to be drunk, probably still seeing stars.
So, Yeah
Next time, I'll check to see if the bird is still breathing before I decide to bury it.
Have a nice day.

A dog wearing a muzzle, someone wearing an Indian mask, an evil looking bunny, and my cat when something freaks him out. Glad the bird survived and I bet that cat leaves birds along for a while, lol. Thanks for making me smile, as always :)
I hope the cat doesn't have PTSD now.
Lol, nah he is just a crazy ass nocturnal beast. He is only 2, so there may be hope for him to outgrow his crazy spurts.
You got start growing them man! I’m not sure how but at least than you can afford them. I’ve been trying growing some things myself. Sadly insects they are everywhere. They will eat your lunch if you let them as well. There hunger knows no bounds like the greed they are.
As far as that first image oh my –meow! They look like they should be carved out of wood as giant totems! Have you ever used that medium before to create art from?
Birds Are The Devil
That poor cat might have lost a life out of shock in that one. My grandmother use to bring in birds that would hit here window and they have a broken neck or wing. Sometimes she would try and nurse them back up other times well she did not like things to suffer.
Anyways, one time a loud thud into the window and so she brought the bird inside fearing the worse. Nope, it flew around her kitchen and I’m not quite sure if it left some dropping on a table. While she was trying toshoo the think out of her house saying all kinds of things about it!
That is when I learned as a child that birds are the devil among some other words I have no desire to use right now.
I've been spotted on a few beaches carving strange things out of driftwood on many occasions. Just me, my knife, a beer, some wood; nobody calls the cops.
I'm sure that bird was possessed. It was breathing heavy at first. I suppose it was only knocked out and winded. Maybe the cat accidentally gave it CPR?
hahah a cat saving a birds life that would be interesting. I'm not quire sure if that would be called CPR or some other kind of thing.
I can only image the bird flying home to its nest and telling its babies and wife how it almost died today. Someone put up an invisible wall and ran right into it. Than this wonderful cat came along and saved its life. Years from now that story will be told.
Stranger things have happened. I once watch a video on YouTube of a cat and a bird being best friends.
I grew up with a big yellow bird on my TV teaching me things about life that I was too young to understand.
heheeheheh so yes point proven. they are evil. Evil I tell you!
I do love birds. They I swear sing to me quite often. I'll start eating dinner or something and they suddenly show up and sing. As soon as I'm done they stop singing. Very strange.
Is there anything that you'd like to tell us? Canada has already produced one Under the Volcano. No need really for a second. But come on, let it all out :-)
Canada grows those who wish to fly without wings. Certain things are better left unsaid. Talking in code means we'll understand when I'm dead.
Coming down is the hardest thing :-)
or better yet:
Your a mischievous ambigram generator aren't you
Maybe yes.
At least your real in a sense, not like those art students trying to fulfil a grade
To go in debt so I can achieve something almost as good as my master never appealed to me, for some strange reason.
Education system post secondary in a nutshell ;)
Those eyes that stare at me
Frozen in fear as they see
The falling prices and the fudding
No more fluffy comments and cuddling
Time to get get serious and bleeding
Weed out the crap from the seedling
I see much much despair and yet I hope
One day I'll see steemians more dope
"If you would prefer to see it upside down, I've included a mechanism that allows the viewer to see it upside down and right-side up simultaneously." Man, here I was turning my laptop upside down and then I read that there some "mechanism" that I could have used.
Did you know: Standing on your feet with your arms stretched above your head is an upside down hand stand.
Bury the cat instead. They are no good.
I already put everything away. Why didn't you tell me this sooner?
Nice psychedelic tiki guys - I love the new very un-satanlike colour. What did google think of this drawing? I think a robin may have built a nest in the vines on my fence.
Google thinks it's just some fractal art. I tricked it again!
Excellent! That's what I would do.
congr,for u r all good paintings,in this world both things are happening evil & goodness. like a cat catching a bird to eat other side there is friendship in them see
your blog is very good and different from the others blog, greetings my dear friend.
Those drawings that appear in this publication are very strange and very striking.
Wow amazing post my dear friend
Amazing art @nonameslefttouse,i like it,I also like to paint and I also like flowers.
very good information that gives us @nonameslefttouse. Greetings and blessings
I think that inspiration and creativity do not always have to have a motive, sometimes it arises in an inexplicable way and as an artist you should take advantage of it. The original ideas are really the kind of things that allow one to grow much more in this process. Each of your works has its style, none is equal to the other, nor the same colors or details. Excellent post, greetings.
very good the drawings you have there, a lot of imagination you have. regards
Thanks Yoda!
I really like these ones
seeing double in reflections on art. perhaps the bird saw double too. a near death experience for our feathered friend.
I think the bird wanted to be the first to see your new creation! And then that cat was angry! I am glad it survived !!!
I've always loved optical illusions. Specifically the ones you can see the same image doing two different things. There are a few of these almost everyone knows. That animation of the dancer where you can mentally change the direction she's spinning. The one with the old woman... or is it a young lady looking away from us?
Your work does this sort of thing very often, but especially so in this style (until you come up with a proper name for them I'm going to keep calling them kaeidoforms and hoping it sticks), and even more especially so in Under the Influence of the Few Influential. It's pareidolia distilled to maximum strength. Once again, I find myself in awe of your work.
I enjoyed the story too. A near miss for friend birdo. I hit an animal with my car once that I was sure I'd killed, only to see it get up and walk away when I stopped. Whenever I share this story, some buzzkill usually comes along to share their magnificent wisdom. Oh, the animal probably just ambled off to snuff it in the wilderness, alone. The initial strike just knocked it into shock, and the internal bleeding finished it off later for sure.
Humph. I choose to believe that the forces of Nature spared that creature by the sheer power of my horror at hitting it. That's my story, and I'll stick with it, thank you!
Hm, I don't recall reading this one, but I do recall the art. Perhaps it was in a later compilation post. Love the colors on it, the emerald/teal accents it beautifully. I'm a huge fan of your mirror drawings I realize.
I'm also a huge fan of your rhymes!