The mind is blank.
That image up there reminds me of a story from my youth.
No. It's not that story about the time I did mushrooms and then found myself inside of a house that wasn't mine, alone.
Or, maybe it is, because that's not a bad story, it's just short.
I could probably spend a good hour or two writing out the small details of that story and make this official.
First, I should write the story that originally came to my mind. It's a dumb story though. Nobody will care about how, when I was child, the teacher said, "You can all go outside once you're finished coloring your pictures."
I can't even remember what the picture was. All I remember is grabbing every crayon I had so I was holding a fistful of color, then gliding that waxy goodness up and down the paper a few times, putting the crayons away, and heading outside. So, yeah. When I look at the image above, somehow my brain was triggered into remembering some useless information nobody cares about.
The mushroom story is a little more intense.
I was with friends when I entered that house. A good buddy of mine said it was his cousin's place. His cousin was the the one driving us around. I think that's how we ended up there.
I was tripping too hard and decided my life would be a little more bearable if I sat inside of a dark closet next to the downstairs bathroom.
I was probably in there for about an hour, just looking at the darkness, trying to not be afraid.
Eventually I built up enough courage to open the door. All I could hear was silence. I walked around the house, checked every room; nobody was there. I remember staring at the door that led outside. I wanted to open it but at the same time, I thought I was the last human alive. I wasn't sure if I'd need a weapon, some food, or both.
So I started rummaging through the refrigerator. I made a cold hamburger sandwich then searched the cupboards for a zip lock bag.
I couldn't find the bags. When I got to the final cupboard door, I opened it, like any normal non-high human would. I saw cat food and suddenly three big fat cats came running towards me and I freaked the fuck out.
I didn't even know they had cats.
So whatever, I ran outside, scared shitless.
All my friends were sitting in the car. I didn't notice them but I did hear a honk. That was enough to send me halfway down the block, full sprint. Then I heard another honk so I dove into some bushes thinking, dammit. I forgot the sandwich.
It took my friends a good ten minutes to coax me out of there.
Finally I was back in the car and around some familiar faces, even though everyone looked kind of blurry and reddish in color; and as you can see, I lived to the tell the story.
This post was supposed to be about the artwork.
Clearly, I got sidetracked again.
I hope you enjoyed it, at least.
Have a nice day.

I love the art, it's very liquidy!
Maybe I'll give him the nickname, The Liquidator.
You'll see this style in a lot of my work. Kinda hooked on it.
I think a slide show of your paintings would be either terrifying or mesmerizing if I were shrooming- either way they would definitely invoke some powerful feelings!
Picture an empty room, white walls, but dark. A projector, but it doesn't stay still. The images move.
That's how I'd do it.
Damn mushrooms, I climbed the longest flight is stairs ever once when I had taken them. Not as entertaining as your adventure!
That was what we called a hero dose. Those were grown professionally and quite safe. I remember buying some wild ones and heading down to the river. Since steps were involved to get out of there, I just stayed there. I kept hearing joggers. No one was around...
The faces always got me, it was something that the film Jacobs Ladder got bang on. Ha, maybe the joggers jog there still but not
I can't be around a mirror on those things. I don't know who that guy is.
I remember another trip, it was either my first or second time. Everything that happened felt like deja vu. The most insignificant occurrence and I was all like dude! I've done this before!
Sounds about right, people always tell these stories and I wonder... Why would you do that to yourself.
I did mushrooms once. I instantly felt really thirsty and I drank 2 pitchers of water in about a 1/2 hour. Later I projectile vomited the clearest tap water you have ever seen. And that cured me of any interest I had in mushrooms.
Don't judge it was the 80s
Sometimes those little adventures turn out fine. I've done them a few times. Half of those times I ate too much and lost my mind. One severe bad trip changed my life for the better though. The good trips were mostly fun combined with good company, talking, campfires, that kinda thing.
I'm not sure how my brain would process a waterfall coming out of my face under those conditions. You're a survivor too.
Is that like a giant crab that lives around the butthole of an alien?
I took them once in the Siberian Arctic. The -36c freeze dried all the goodness out of them so they had no effect.
ps. I for one love your rorschach tests..
I love making them.
It gets to be -36c here as well, so I think they grow them indoors inside plastic containers or modified aquariums.
I thought your mind was blank! You wrote more that when I get a flight of ideas!
I can't turn it off. What I didn't do was turn that story into a drawn out masterpiece.. but I could have, if my mind wasn't so blank.
The brain is so awesome - the random things we can recall and dream about is even more mind blowing. As always enjoy reading your post. O and already as a child you were thinking out of the box to do that with the crayons.
Oddly enough, so many take their brains for granted. Whatever that means...
I do not because I loose mine most of the time and so happy when I find it again hahaha
I did enjoy the artwork even though I had to move down to the text quicker than usual as I was seeing a few too many things at once and on not enough sleep that's more than enough to do my meagre brain in XD
Had to chuckle had kid-you finishing colouring your pic super fast to get outside XD And if the art was inspired from memories of a fistful of colour and tripping balls then that could explain everything, or just be a coincidence, if there is such a thing o_O
Yes indeed, this little piece was designed to make people see things. So much easier to be an artist when the viewer finishes the job for you.
As for the words, those are just there after I let my mind wander around while looking at Tell Me More. The first things that came to mind, I wrote down.
Another great mushroom story!
Those things are crazy. Imagine being the first to discover what happens when you eat those things...
I always wanted to go on a trip without knowing before! But also knowingly those psychedelic substances can be great!
If someone slipped me magic mushrooms... I doubt I'd be impressed with them.
If someone slipped me
Magic mushrooms... I doubt I'd
Be impressed with them.
- nonameslefttouse
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
Its a funny story. Do you miss that part of your childhood sometimes?
Yeah. It would be nice to be able to live it all over again.
So glad to see you're still kicking around.
Been back for a couple weeks after taking a long break. Hoping to make something of this place again. It's good to see you!
I logged on yesterday after a long time.
I need a place to... I'm not sure what.
It's been a struggle lately.
Those damn cats anyway. I hope they did not taste your sandwich. LOL Anyway you have an incredible art piece. Drawing with multiple crayons at once. Love the idea.
I just wanted to get a swing before all the other kids.
Some strange dog-eared creature with transparent skin and lots of faces in there, a mushroom induced memory? lol
There's definitely something psychedelic going on there.
Legit. This man mushrooms.
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Somebody called This Man?