What's On My Mind

in #art5 years ago (edited)

Nearly every post of mine started out like this.  A few words that led to full sentences then end with punctuation marks!  Oops.  Wrong one.

I have a lot on my mind right now.  That's nothing unusual though.  I always do.  It never ends.

NoNamesLeftToUse  Whats On My Mind.png
What's On My Mind


Are they on my mind or are they in my mind?

I've always written about what's on my mind.  Nearly every post I've published here started with one word and no plan.  Once the words begin to flow from my mind to my fingers then eventually this screen, nothing can stop them.

It's interesting how the reader will sometimes apply their own emotions to the written word, then assume the author felt the same way.

Some of my funniest writing was created on my darkest days.

It's interesting how the writer can toy with the mind of the reader.  Everything from the news to a novel is designed to manipulate.  Video games, movies, music; those do it as well.  If the one consuming is truly paying attention they might find themselves laughing, being afraid, tearing up, becoming angry.

What I'm doing right now takes great discipline; responsibility.

If I'm not careful, I can place a murder scene within your mind, out of nowhere, like I did, just now.  That wasn't nice.

I didn't mean to do it.

She had been yelling at me all day.  About everything.

I didn't hit her.  She fell.

You don't believe me.  Why?

It's because you didn't know about the part when I yelled back.  You don't know that was the first time after ten years of marriage, I finally snapped.  You don't know how much bullshit I had been dealing with!  You don't know how she steals my money to buy cocaine!  You don't know how she goes out and fucks on me!  You don't know how I've been raising this family all on my own for seven years! 

And you don't know...how hard...I tried...to fix this.

I never once got mad.  I've been sad.

For ten years I've been sad and I hate these fucking pills!

I scared her.

She's tiny.  I stood up.  Angry.  I could not stop myself from yelling...

"Suck my motherfuckin' dick!"

I'm certain even the neighbors heard that.  Her eyes went big, the jaw dropped, she lost her balance and went thump thump thump thump thump all the way down the stairs.

Everyone will think I pushed her.  My god there's blood everywhere!

The neighbors heard me yelling.  We all know how this ends.

This just in:  Credible sources tell us yet another man has killed his wife in a fit of rage.  Neighbors say he was demanding oral sex shortly before the incident and she refused.

The kids have already seen her.  They didn't see the fall.  They laughed at mommy.

This isn't the first time they've seen her sleeping on the floor.  The blood didn't register.  The puddle was small then.  They're in the playroom now and that puddle stopped growing an hour ago.  She's finished.

I don't know what to do.

So selfish!  I'm so goddamn selfish!  Thinking about me at a time like this...

I'm going to jail.  They're going to fucking kill me in there.  Anyone who hurts a woman wears the mark.  I'm fucked.  I am so fucked.

I gotta clean this up.

I'll throw her in the trash.  It's garbage day tomorrow.

That's my only option.

I need to buy a new saw.

"Kids!  We're going shopping!"


All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!

"Relax.  This was fiction."
"I'll be stepping out for a bit."

© 2020 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


And that is why it always pays to have a sharp saw prepared in advance

They didn't teach that at marriage counselling...

They leave out the good bits or it wouldn't be such an adventure

I thought they were saving the best for last, since the price for each session seemed to keep climbing over the years...

Are we still talking about counselling? :OD

I don't know. Good question though. I'm stumped.

Stumpy!!! He was always good for a game of cards

why are they throwing you downvote? They're bullshit, you write great.

Because bullies are weak and get joy out of watching good folks get punished for nothing.

You share very nice content. But why is likwid voting you downvote?

Because I pointed out what I thought was irresponsible curation when I saw that account downvoting irresponsibly and irrationally. So their response was to use downvotes irresponsibly and irrationally.

Too many blogs are saturated with repeats of wiki "how to" but you put the "how to" in a unique and personal way.

Blessings to your family

It's just art.

One of the things that are studied in literature and narrative is the things that are untold in a story. The reader has to fill those holes in the structure of the story to build what the hell the author was trying to transmit, the things that we know about the author play an important role in that.

The fact that you're unknow as author, meaning that we don't know how you're in reality is a great card to play. I liked the story of how did you murder your wife lol, but imo the final note warning that was a fiction is unnecessary. Let people extract their own conclusions, would be very funny to find comments escandalized for your fictional murder.

It still required the fiction tag. In the past I've written humor and people have taken it seriously. It gets ugly if I don't add these things in. I still made sure to use the art tag first as to not give it away completely off the start. If I want to catch people off guard with humor, I'll use the 'art' tag or 'life' as well, because if they know the joke is coming, there's less chance they'll laugh. I think the shock effect then being told to relax was a nice touch but you're right, it would have been interesting to see the comments, but I don't want the cops knocking either.

Lol if the cops go to your house for that please make a video and upload it here that would be the best marketing campaign for you lmao. In that sense I see coming a Streisand effect for your downvotes. Your earnings have increased instead of decreasing or at least that's the impression is giving to me. You have more support than ever.

I didn't skimp on the effort either. That's new art, took awhile to make...

I hope others at least have fun.

Well that escalated quickly, there I was just thinking I was reading a fun little thought experiment ;D

That's an interesting thought you've illustrated.

Interesting through an through. It was an experiment though. Feels like everything I do is a test.

Maybe it is? :D

Did I just take part in a real murder? :)

You took part in a real accident. Could you pass me those garbage bags please?

The hidden message wasn't so hidden. Ha.

Hidden! That's a great idea!

Another massive downvote, within minutes of publishing. Why?

I couldn't deal with that.

Most leave.

maybe it is your mission, to save other artist from massive free downvotes.

$212 so far! ;)

I got a downvote from the same person the other day. I have never seen you make a post that I would downvote. There is so much low effort content to downvote if it is simply for reward disagreement, nevermind actual abuse, I don't get it.

It's bullying. He's frustrated with his environment and now taking it out on others. I did my best to point it out in two previous posts. We all watched some folks cause problems on Steem, leading to thousands leaving, impeding progress. Now it's trickling into Hive so this is what people can expect for the next few years.

If you bring it up, it'll be spun to make it look like you're just whining about losing potential rewards. Same old script. Predictable behavior.

You are right. It's one of the worst types of downvotes to do since it removes rewards from people who clearly earned them by honest hard work. I don't even understand the strategy because any goal at redistribution redistributes to people who don't put in the effort, too.
I try to hold to the idea that nobody is entitled to rewards until after payout, but this can only be considered in theory because I get upset when people who I support (or me) are downvoted for no reason.

It's common sense really. Taking away from what the community feels is good, after they did what they thought was good, only alienates the community. It's not just creators getting hit. Honest curators as well. Meanwhile, when instances of abuse are handled with downvotes, the community cheers, so it's obvious what people feel is acceptable naturally.

The EIP introduced free downvotes to help stomp out abuse, since abuse was running rampant on Steem and nobody could do anything about it without losing money. That's how it was sold to us.

Rather than solving a problem, people created a new one, and many of them refuse to see it as a problem. I see people being forceful and others becoming miserable. A problem that doesn't even need to exist.

Much of this stems from the fact creators are often viewed as leeches causing harm to an investment. I've been trying to point out content is a product we refuse to sell to consumers. The platform should be marketed to paying consumers willing to stake tokens and be rewarded for having fun, while the content should be given a chance to thrive in order to give consumers a reason to 'buy' it by staking tokens and supporting it.

In a previous post I said I'm sick of watching investors shoot themselves in the foot. I think majority are good but it only takes a few to do the damage. Some witnesses are cornered because they might lose a vote or two.

They like to think content creators are in the same boat and will lose out if they speak up. It's been a shitty situation like that for years. Most feel forced to put their heads down and just ignore it while the world around them falls apart. It doesn't need to be like that though.

The few large accounts that do it and won't listen to reason are well known. I thought it would get better with Hive. A few people who were trouble makers on Steem are already being nice here. I'm giving everyone until July 1st to sfraighten things out since that would give more than enough time to power down and leave if Hive isn't their thing.

I've seen a change for the better in a few who could benefit from it. Haven't been watching as closely though as I once did on Steem. It would be fun to pour a whole bunch of money into this place, feeling confident.