Dan's neighbor tries to ruin Thanksgiving...
Nerd By Northwest #234 – “Thanksgiving Gestapo”
(Click on the image to see the full-size version)
This strip is dedicated to the monumental ass-hat Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, and all the control-freak busybodies like him. More people are starting to see you for what you really are... sociopaths more interested in power & control than safety. It's not a political party thing; many Republicans are just as bad. It's simply about the overreach of authoritarianism, which knows no party loyalty.
The great thing is that for all the hype about said heavy-handed (and often ridiculous) government mandates, since the holiday passed I haven't heard much of any Thanksgivings actually being interfered with. I'd like to imagine that most families gave the finger to the letter of the restrictions, exercised a reasonable amount of caution, and just enjoyed themselves. And if that involved strippers dressed in police costumes, well, I'm not here to judge... 😉
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And remember, send memes or unsolicited dick pics to every "report your neighbor" SMS hotline!
Ah yes, it's incidents like that NY Mayor De Blasio snitch line fail that keep alive the bit of faith I still have in my fellow man... 😂